and because I ate a breadstick yesterday it's obviously Italian culture appropriation.
But why isn't anything getting better for the LGBT community? We'll never know.
I'm going to make a bold statement and say that a big contributor to the lack of progress among the LGBT community is the confusing as of late between sexuality/gender identity. while they're all part of the same community, they're different issues, and those that are not LGBT seem to be finding it all very confusing as well as overwhelming.
We saw the whole "drop the T" thing come and go
(thank god) but that wasn't the first time that the difference between sexuality and gender identity came up, being that they're technically related issues, but very different at the same time. there seems to be a level of disconnect between cis LGBT people and trans LGBT people that I've seen cause tension again and again, and it really bothers me. (I've seen it from both sides too.) We can't move forward if we're fighting among ourselves.
Another thing I think is a big reason that there hasn't been as much LGBT progress as of late is, in fact, this SJW mindset
(a term I use for lack of a better one, sorry,) that people seem to have in recent years, and how that mindset has taught people to react to things. The reactions to differences of opinion, morals etc has become so extreme, and at times, even violent, that it hasn't left much room for civil, reasonable discussion on these serious topics, because everyone is shuffling their feet and fearing being labelled as homophobic, transphobic, and on other topics such as racial issues, feminism and matters of disability, being labelled as a racist, sexist, ableist, and so on. People have forgotten that making a statement either out of ignorance or just not being educated enough on a topic doesn't necessarily mean that a person has the ideals that these labels would indicate, and people do not want to be labelled as such for that very reason, especially not for making a single statement that they may not even be aware is ignorant. You can make a sexist/racist/homophobic/etc comment without necessarily being so and I think people often forget this.
The reason that ^^^^ that is keeping us from progressing is that we're so quick to slap these negative labels on people, that again, important discussions are not being had, and if they are, they're almost sure to spiral out of control when accusations get tossed around, because let's face it, EVERYTHING on the internet turns to argument eventually, which is really sad.
A last note, and this kind of goes along with the SJW/tumblr mindset, is the behavior we've seen in response to things like racism/homophobia/transphobia/sexism etc. As I mentioned in a previous post, I hate things that people don't deem as sexist/racist/etc and all that just because it's a minority group/oppressed group turning it around the group doing it to them (use of terms that are directed at men such as mansplaining/manspreading/whatever that people would lose their crap over if someone was doing it to a woman.) The eye for an eye mentality is only going to make us take steps backwards, and is making people stoop to the level of the people they wish to mock, which like....I don't understand why people think that's going to work?? All you're proving to people is that you're just as childish and foolish as these people.
UGH it just all really rustles my jimmies.
***disclaimer: these are just my opinions and observations, I respect if anyone disagrees with them, however if you wish to discuss it, I ask that we do so in a civil manner. I won't respond to you if you're being hateful for no reason.