New Horizons feels like a discount New Leaf

I love ACNH but I wasn't offended by this thread's title. When I play on my TV, which is not huge but good sized, it's kind of like being in an animated movie. So fun! But it's an animated movie with really bad dialogue that repeats over and over. I just heard for the zillionth time that the island is too big to see across but not small enough for a sea monster to attack or whatever. And I just decorated using the antique furniture yet again. I love it but I wouldn't mind an update that would bring better dialogue and fresh furnishings and some QoL enhancements. And I understand why a lot of people will be super ticked off if those improvements come in a pricey expansion pack or whatever you call it.
OP literally admitted to use the word discount to "rile up the opposition", the "NH lovers" as some have already named. There's constant threads about "things missing" and people constantly posting negative stuff about the game on all threads, which fine, it's just your opinion. Throwing around words like the aforementioned "discount", "unfinished", "it's not enough new", "I don't like so I don't count it" is going to start a discussion; it's not meant to not "accept your opinion" or what you want to call it. Especially when mostly all people are discussing repectfully and sharing great thoughts.

This shouldn't come down to the people who prefer NL vs the "NH lovers". Both have good and bad things and you can like one or another (or both) without bringing the other down.
OP literally admitted to use the word discount to "rile up the opposition", the "NH lovers" as some have already named. There's constant threads about "things missing" and people constantly posting negative stuff about the game on all threads, which fine, it's just your opinion. Throwing around words like the aforementioned "discount", "unfinished", "it's not enough new", "I don't like so I don't count it" is going to start a discussion; it's not meant to not "accept your opinion" or what you want to call it. Especially when mostly all people are discussing repectfully and sharing great thoughts.

This shouldn't come down to the people who prefer NL vs the "NH lovers". Both have good and bad things and you can like one or another (or both) without bringing the other down.

when you (ubiquitous) come in here and tell people they're "glamorizing" NL and "idealizing" NL and telling them they need to "go back to NL", refusing to accept their opinion and/or dismissing it is exactly what you're doing but okay. criticism isn't synonymous with "bringing [the other] down".
Ngl I found this game kinda hard to come back to, and sometimes I do feel like I'm missing out but at the same time, people have been saying the events have been very watered down. The last time I played NH days ago, I found it really hard to do anything when you can't really do much besides checking Able Sisters and the Nook shop. Kinda wish there was more updates that weren't focused on events.

Also it doesn't help that the joycon drift is the most annoying thing that still plagues me.
when you (ubiquitous) come in here and tell people they're "glamorizing" NL and "idealizing" NL and telling them they need to "go back to NL", refusing to accept their opinion and/or dismissing it is exactly what you're doing but okay. criticism isn't synonymous with "bringing [the other] down".
There has been two people who have used those terms, and one of them further explained what they meant with that. Don't tell me that's all it takes to say that your opinion is being dismissed. Especially when those posts provided lots of insight of their own opinions and you can explain why you feel a word they used didn't feel right and get a better undestanding, like when you discussed with Locokoko.
There has been two people who have used those terms, and one of them further explained what they meant with that. Don't tell me that's all it takes to say that your opinion is being dismissed. Especially when those posts provided lots of insight of their own opinions and you can explain why you feel a word they used didn't feel right and get a better undestanding, like when you discussed with Locokoko.

we're talking multiple threads here. also, yes, that's all it takes. sounds like you don't know what "dismissal" is, and it's hardly your place to tell people when they're allowed to feel as if their opinions are/n't being dismissed anyway. i'm tired of people acting like it's impossible or rude or disrespectful to prefer NL and/or make valid criticisms of NH, and since you seem intent on beating around the bush and talking technicalities, i'm not going to bother responding further.
Like I've said before, there's a difference between reasonable critiques, and then there's outright bashing the game. In general (NOT specifically in this thread), some people have bashed this game, and others gave critiques in a respectful way.

The main problems I see people complain about are as follows:
1. The music
2. It's unfinished
3. Crafting and tools
4. Missing furniture and NPCs

I think those are hot-button issues most people have, and that's fine to discuss these topics. I just think there's a way to articulate grievances in a respectful manner is all. This is a general statement and I'm not calling out anyone specifically.

(Brief rant) What I don't understand is, how some people still play the game when all they do is complain about it. It's like going to a restaurant they always complain at. They find problems with the food all the time, and they still return anyway. Why not just go to a different restaurant, then? Same thing with this game. If someone always gripes about the game, saying how much they hate this and that, and why can't this be like that, then they should go play something else.
(Brief rant) What I don't understand is, how some people still play the game when all they do is complain about it. It's like going to a restaurant they always complain at. They find problems with the food all the time, and they still return anyway. Why not just go to a different restaurant, then? Same thing with this game. If someone always gripes about the game, saying how much they hate this and that, and why can't this be like that, then they should go play something else.

like i said to someone else above, you can critique something and still enjoy it. you can dislike aspects of something (or even the majority of it) and enjoy other parts. it's not black and white. i always used to get this sort of response when i criticized the writing and overall bigotry in one of my favorite shows, with people telling me i should just stop watching it, but i kept doing so because i loved one of the characters and she was a comfort character of mine. when she left, i did stop watching because i enjoyed nothing else about the show, and it was only getting worse. it's the same here. some people might dislike (or even hate) certain parts of the game, but enjoy others, and that's what keeps them playing. or maybe they're holding out hope that future updates will introduce aspects that are missing and don't want to give up completely because they love the franchise overall and want to believe it can improve in their eyes. hope that clears it up for you.
we're talking multiple threads here. also, yes, that's all it takes. sounds like you don't know what "dismissal" is, and it's hardly your place to tell people when they're allowed to feel as if their opinions are/n't being dismissed anyway. i'm tired of people acting like it's impossible or rude or disrespectful to prefer NL and/or make valid criticisms of NH, and since you seem intent on beating around the bush and talking technicalities, i'm not going to bother responding further.
I'm truly sorry this was all you took from my post. Since you don't care to have a better discussion, I'm also fine with it, but if you do want to explain my technicalities and everything you say, I'm more than open to learn through PM, just to not derail further.

Like I've said before, there's a difference between reasonable critiques, and then there's outright bashing the game. In general (NOT specifically in this thread), some people have bashed this game, and others gave critiques in a respectful way.

The main problems I see people complain about are as follows:
1. The music
2. It's unfinished
3. Crafting and tools
4. Missing furniture and NPCs

I think those are hot-button issues most people have, and that's fine to discuss these topics. I just think there's a way to articulate grievances in a respectful manner is all. This is a general statement and I'm not calling out anyone specifically.
like i said to someone else above, you can critique something and still enjoy it. you can dislike aspects of something (or even the majority of it) and enjoy other parts. it's not black and white. some people might dislike (or even hate) certain parts of the game, but enjoy others, and that's what keeps them playing. or maybe they're holding out hope that future updates will introduce aspects that are missing and don't want to give up completely because they love the franchise overall and want to believe it can improve in their eyes. hope that clears it up for you.
I agree that you can critique something and still enjoy the game. I love playing NH, but I dislike the tools breaking, for example. I understand that no game is perfect and not every feature is going to be a winner.

What I'm talking about are the people who hate almost everything the game offers. After all, people play video games for entertainment, right? So why would they play a game where their reaction is mostly negative?
I agree that you can critique something and still enjoy the game. I love playing NH, but I dislike the tools breaking, for example. I understand that no game is perfect and not every feature is going to be a winner.

What I'm talking about are the people who hate almost everything the game offers. After all, people play video games for entertainment, right? So why would they play a game where their reaction is mostly negative?

like i said, you can dislike the majority of something and still enjoy even just one aspect of it. that was the case for me with that tv show -- i disliked everything but that one character (and her relationship with one other) to some degree. could be that some people generally dislike the game overall but want to see their villagers or design their house or complete their encyclopedia. could be anything, simple or otherwise, that they enjoy. even so, i don't think i've ever encountered someone on here who dislikes the majority of the game, or even flat out hates more than a few aspects (and they tend to be aspects most people are irked by on some level, like a lack of bulk crafting or tools breaking etc.).
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It is important to remember that New Horizons is not a direct sequel to New Leaf. It not having the same features doesn't mean they are "missing" but rather that the developers chose not to include them. New Horizons is a different game with a different format and focus.
like i said, you can dislike the majority of something and still enjoy even just one aspect of it.
I've never thought of it that way. I guess I can relate that sentiment with high school, for example. Like, you may dislike many of your classes, but then there's one or two that you really like that'll make you look forward to the day.
I'd say that Gyroids missing for the first time in the series' mainline is a not something that the developers simply "chose not to include." Aside from special characters, I'd say that in most cases missing features come down to the game not being a completed work. That said, even though there are still a good number of bugs at least none of them are game breaking like those in other big company releases.
Ngl I found this game kinda hard to come back to, and sometimes I do feel like I'm missing out but at the same time, people have been saying the events have been very watered down. The last time I played NH days ago, I found it really hard to do anything when you can't really do much besides checking Able Sisters and the Nook shop. Kinda wish there was more updates that weren't focused on events.

Also it doesn't help that the joycon drift is the most annoying thing that still plagues me.
Have you tried setting any goals for yourself/your town or tried expanding your daily routine aside from checking the shops?

My routine right now is going through mail, going to Able’s, going to Nook’s, searching my town for fossils (which will either get gifted to my friends, villagers, or sold at Nook’s), building a snowman (finally got every DIY from it!), scanning my beach for a DIY bottle/Gulliver/Gulivarr, talking with villagers, and then spending some time on Nookazon selling items. Then I work on crafting and gathering materials that are set to expire, and either decorate my town or sell/give away extra things I don’t need. If I’m in the mood, I’ll find other things to keep me playing even longer. Previously, extra time meant going after the encylopedia, but now I’ve caught every fish/bug. I’m just waiting for the last 2 sea critters in the coming months!

My feeling is it’s what you make of it. Try making new friends through TBT or the AC Discord, build wishlists on Nookazon, and work towards gifting each other each thing you and your friend want. I do this with a few people, and it’s so fun and very fulfilling.
It is important to remember that New Horizons is not a direct sequel to New Leaf. It not having the same features doesn't mean they are "missing" but rather that the developers chose not to include them. New Horizons is a different game with a different format and focus.
I think the choice to leave out so much from the rest of the series that were previously taken for granted (furniture series, NPCs, deeper relationships/dialogue with villagers, that je ne sais quoi AC charm) makes NH feel like a generic town decoration/build sim with a coat of AC paint, and that's at least why I'm having trouble enjoying it. I don't feel like this is an AC game yet.
At this point Ive more than gotten my money's worth of hours out of NH, and I still enjoy the game. With that said, some points on NH that stand out to me:

The three biggest improvements over NL in the game(imo) are terraforming and features related to it, moving buildings at will, and villager placement behavior(how the move in/out). The music is subjective, but I prefer some of the NH music over others in the series(and vice versa), except for the Gamecube game music, which I like the most.

Aside from those things, in my experience, almost everything else in NH has been either diminished or a straight step down from NL. Things that weren't and shouldn't have been frustrating have become pointlessly so(extreme limit on mail order items that only arrive next day, breaking tools including golden ones, exploding flower population after rain/snow which you can only clean up with said breaking tools). Some newly introduced features are also pointlessly frustrating: one item per session crafting mechanic, clothes shopping with no shopping cart, materials that stack at different amounts instead of uniformly.

As for the amount of items in the game, I'm not sure how disappointing it is just how much was lost in the transition between games. I played NL for years. It took me at least 2 years to finish the catalog, and that was before the WA update. NH took me a matter of months, and thats in addition to completing all DIY recipes, except Celeste. I finished everything because at the time I didn't realize just how comparatively smaller NH's catalog was. The only reason I held off on Celeste is because once this realization was made, I decided it would be best to collect her diys slowly, just so I could have something to do.

NH, as much as I hate to say it, is an unfinished game. With NL it was a finished product that was slowly drip fed new content over time which made it exciting to play. NH on the other hand is unfinished, is(so far) being drip fed old content thats passed off as new, and has many of Animal Crossings defining features either watered down or removed. That said...I still enjoy the game. I don't want to be too harsh since I know NH will be adding content, be it old or new, that will add greatly to the game. I expect (or hope really) that once these updates are completely finished, NH will either meet or exceed NL in terms of either gameplay, items, features, or all three.
I think the second year of the game will be the defining year for New Horisons game as a service model. I'm trying to withhold judgement until then to see how it holds up over the next year and what they actually add to it.
I do miss a lot of the stuff of previous games (not just ACNL, but I mean.... where is my windmill so I can make a dutch tulip field?? sad)

At the same time tho, I've played acnh a lot more and a lot longer than new leaf! In new leaf i did maybe 1 halloween event, one cherry season and 2 or 3 bug/fish offs over the course of 3 years, and played around 500 hours. I've played this game since march, have attended all holidays so far, missed maybe 2 tourneys and only completely skipped september. Besides that I played almost everyday, and been enjoying a lot of mechanisms more than i did in previous game (changing (indoor)decorations each season, breeding flowers, talking to my villagers).

Sure I still miss unbreakable tools, but I try to see this game as its own game. And if you don't compare it and see some quality of life 'flaws' as charming, I think its an amazing game, which is probably keeping my mental health somewhat manageable at the moment.

I understand the criticisms to tho, and would welcome any changes or QOL updates with open arms. but to me thats will not be necessary to enjoy the game.