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  1. TBT Bells
Hiya, can i get the following materials?
  • x5 star fragments
  • x5 large star fragments
  • x10 cherry blossom petals
  • x2 skinny mushrooms
and 1 stack of each zodiac fragment? (so... 12 stacks lol)
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Hiya, can i get the following materials?
  • x5 star fragments
  • x5 large star fragments
  • x10 cherry blossom petals
  • x2 skinny mushrooms
and 1 stack of each zodiac fragment? (so... 12 stacks lol)
Good morning! 🐣🌷 I'm now online and available for the rest of the day to take care of your order. Altogether, that's 34 stacks of materials for a total of 170 TBT. I can prepare your order whenever you're available again, just let me know!~
Hello! I would like to order 50 NMT. Thank you! :)
Welcome to my shop! Thank you for ordering! 🐣🌷 I have your order ready for 25 TBT~ we can do either pick up or drop off, whichever is easiest for you.

I'm available now and for the rest of the day so there's no hurry to trade. I'll wait for your response.
Welcome to my shop! Thank you for ordering! 🐣🌷 I have your order ready for 25 TBT~ we can do either pick up or drop off, whichever is easiest for you.

I'm available now and for the rest of the day so there's no hurry to trade. I'll wait for your response.
Hi! Pick up would be fine. I’m available now!
Hi Panda!
Can I get;

20 Pink lilies
15 pink roses
15 pink mums
10 pink hyacinths

Thank you!
Totally! That's 60 flowers for 60 TBT 🌷🌷🌷 I'll drop off 30 flowers on the first trip, then another 30 on the second trip. I'm available all day so there's no hurry to trade, I'll dig them up once you're ready! Thanks for visiting my shop!~
hello! can i please have 12 million bells for 12 TBT? and then a single golden rose for 1 TBT?
Good morning! Sorry I couldn't reply sooner, I had already logged off for the night but I'm available now and for the rest of the day to complete our trade 😊 thank you for visiting my shop and for the 13 TBT payment!

Just let me know when you're online again and we can set up a time to trade, no rush!