Pokémon New Pokémon Snap!

I definitely didn’t cry..

Seriously though, this game was a huge part of my childhood, I am so glad for some positive news!
It looks beautiful!

We never owned the original, but it was one of those games available on.. *Showing my age now* Hotel room TV's that had "Pay by the hour gaming" with N64 built in. and it was like $5 a hour to play Pokemon snap on the hotel TV.
Obviously never got very far, but GOSH I AM SO GLAD that they're remaking the game.

It's going to be so wild!
The original game was Gen1 + Mew

This has the opportunity for a FULL POKEMON WORLD, with chances to see all sorts of pokemon in all kinds of different enviroments.
It's honestly super exciting to see what they're going to do with that!
Theres... 700ish pokemon for them to play with, obviously fan favorites are going to make the cut, But i'm hoping some fun obscure pokemon will be in there too.
It looks gorgeous!!
I've never played the original, but I kew that a lot of people were waiting for it! I'm glad they got what they were wishing for, haha. Maybe I'll even end up trying it out, who knows already have too many games i gotta play tho
That was the best part of the pokemon announcement!
I've never been particularly interested in Pokémon Snap. I played it back when it was current when I was younger and thought it was all right, but I never really felt the same draw as other people felt for it.

Regardless, I know how long and how fervently people have wanted a new Pokémon Snap over the years, so I'm glad that their dreams are finally being realized. I hope it can live up to, or even exceed, fan expectations.
It looks great, really looking forward to it!

From the announcements I'm also looking forward to Pokemon Cafe Mix, I like the artstyle they've chosen for it.
This is exciting! Pokemon Snap carries so much childhood nostalgia for me. I used to love playing all night and swapping tips with my friends the next day. I think it was before datamining, so of course there were lots of rumored "secret" Pokemon ^^ I can't wait to see the ecosystems they come up with using modern graphics!
I remember playing it in Blockbuster (so old lol) o.o my friend really loves this game and she's uber excited. I'll probably try it too, looks pretty *^*
When @oath2order mentioned to me via Discord while I was working earlier I thought he was pulling my leg and that I’d have to go meet him to bully. But then I checked Youtube and was amazed that TPCi was finally delivering on a long desired sequel. I’m excited for this and I can’t wait to see what comes next
When I first saw the news I thought it was some sort of joke or rumor or something. I was not expecting them to actually make a new one after all this time. I'm super excited though. I loved Pokemon Snap, and from what little we've seen in the trailer this one looks really nice so far.
Last night I jokingly mentioned that I hoped Pokemon Snap would make an appearance so when it actually did I was BEYOND hyped.

My brother and I loved the original game and the new one looks so colorful. 😍

Good luck snapping with your drift @dizzy bone !
Pokemon Snap is coming back?! I need to go watch the trailer asap!! I remember going to Block Buster when I was younger just to be able to play Pokemon Snap. I had a cute little Squirtle card to play the game with XD
Wish I still had the card for memory's sake T~T Best part about playing the game was printing out the snaps onto a purikura sticker sheet to take home haha.
AHH yes!!!!! I dreamed of this game being remade for switch because I thought it would be perfect for this console... and I'm so glad it's happening! It was one of my favourite childhood games as well, along with Pokemon Stadium haha. I'm so freakin excited :love:
I can’t wait to play this game. But just for a reminder...

Do not take pictures of Pokémon from behind. That is very very naughty.
AHH yes!!!!! I dreamed of this game being remade for switch because I thought it would be perfect for this console... and I'm so glad it's happening! It was one of my favourite childhood games as well, along with Pokemon Stadium haha. I'm so freakin excited :love:
Yesssss!!! Omg, I love Pokemon Stadium as well!! The mini games in that game is so much fun 😭 ❤ I remember making so many mistakes and Clefairy bopping me on the head LOL. With a remake of Pokemon Snap, I hope they decide to bring back Pokemon Stadium as well. That would be a dream come true haha XD