New speculation on villager visits


Senior Member
May 2, 2020
AC YouTuber Crossing Channel put out a new video today about the speculation regarding villager visits. I'll include a link to the video below, but the short version is that apparently the code from one of the past datamines was close enough to being ready to go that a modder actually went ahead and implemented it into a modded game. There are screenshots from the mod.

It's unclear why Nintendo continues to hold this feature back when it appears to be ready, but hopefully it's just a matter of time?



Ouch. If modders went ahead and already released this then it's really Nintendo's move. I know they don't like any kind of modification to the game (looking at you star trees!) so I assume they could release it in the next update to make this mod worthless. (Though I will say, Nintendo should really get on with the times and allow custom content/mods into Animal Crossing)
Ouch. If modders went ahead and already released this then it's really Nintendo's move. I know they don't like any kind of modification to the game (looking at you star trees!) so I assume they could release it in the next update to make this mod worthless. (Though I will say, Nintendo should really get on with the times and allow custom content/mods into Animal Crossing)
Bwahaha Nintendo will never allow any sort of modding or custom content with their games. Their attitude is famously that they know better than the players and they want the game to be played in the way that they intend it to be played (the Wii U generation is a mount of evidence for that, that's for sure). I wouldn't be surprised if this is a cut feature and they cut it out since it's now been discovered. That being said, it could be real and an upcoming feature as well.
If they do add this into the game, I assume would this take place in the first room of your home only?
If they do add this into the game, I assume would this take place in the first room of your home only?

I didn't play New Leaf, so someone will need to confirm, but I think I've read that sometimes in New Leaf they ask to see every room.

That said, other things have been simplified for New Horizons, so it's possible they could simplify this and limit it to one room.
They're probably working out any small kinks and their attention is on the Mario anniversary update. I hope they give it to us soon!
I didn't play New Leaf, so someone will need to confirm, but I think I've read that sometimes in New Leaf they ask to see every room.
Would be pretty cool if they could be in other rooms. Just to mix things up and possibly get more/different dialog.
IIRC villagers followed you in each room, and after seeing all of them they would leave a bit quicker
Yeah, as someone who follows datamines it’s weird that this hasn’t turned up yet.

They added some new dialogue for it in the Halloween update, but then they took the eventflow for it out in the Festivale update?

I don’t want it to be scrapped, because it’s honestly a really good feature in the game... but at the same time, I don’t want it to just come back the same as it always was with them aimlessly walking around. I want them to sit down and play with stuff, dammit!
id be pretty excited for this!! when i played new leaf before my charger died on me, i remember being really excited the first time one of my villagers asked to come over
Bwahaha Nintendo will never allow any sort of modding or custom content with their games. Their attitude is famously that they know better than the players and they want the game to be played in the way that they intend it to be played (the Wii U generation is a mount of evidence for that, that's for sure). I wouldn't be surprised if this is a cut feature and they cut it out since it's now been discovered. That being said, it could be real and an upcoming feature as well.
I completely agree with you. Nintendo truly has a story of never giving their players liberty, but then again I think that's cutting a lot of longevity. Animal Crossing really benefits from designs and most of the players use them. If they allowed custom content and furniture it would be quite big and it'd get a lot of attention, I think it's the natural next step for this series (I assume?). I don't think this one is a cut out feature though, that would be wasted resources and it looks pretty functional! I'm positive they just want to make sure it's working as intended 😊
There's no point in visits I guess (unless you really want to just stand around), because unlike NL where we could buy unique items from villagers in their homes, the villagers as well as ourselves have all got the same items.

Why do you think we have smaller rooms now, and no shop ugrades?

Ain't nothing to put in them.

Oh this is exciting! I miss being able to have villagers come over and I miss being invited to their house.

Fingers crossed that this doesn’t include my villagers randomly walking in, though. I’m fine if we set a time or if we walk to my house together but it drove me crazy when I’d run home to grab something and then have Stitches stop by for a visit. I always felt bad immediately leaving once they came over!!

If they do add this into the game, I assume would this take place in the first room of your home only?

They can see all your rooms! At least in New Leaf. I remember if you stay in one room and chat with them they’ll say something about wanting to see the other rooms, and then they’ll follow you from room to room. 🥰
Villagers visiting you is cute for the dialogue, but I thought it got stale quickly in New Leaf. There really wasn't much dialogue, so you'd see it all and then every visit would be the same. New Horizons would hopefully be better though, since there's a ton more dialogue for different furniture, so it would stay fresher longer.

Still though, I liked it better when the animals invited you over to their homes and let you buy something from them. And of course once you did, that often opened them up to later ask you to find a new piece of furniture for their home. That's another thing I'd love to see brought back.
Wait, you know how Kyle says "right now", as in, he wants to go to the house at that moment?

How does the villager get to the house if access is a little harder? Like would they use those stepping stones etc.
And what if it's completely fenced off? lol
Wait, you know how Kyle says "right now", as in, he wants to go to the house at that moment?

How does the villager get to the house if access is a little harder? Like would they use those stepping stones etc.
And what if it's completely fenced off? lol
I would guess they don't follow you this time, but that when you enter your house, they immediately knock and come in. Or maybe agreeing to the prompt would cause the game to teleport you inside your house.
Wait, you know how Kyle says "right now", as in, he wants to go to the house at that moment?

How does the villager get to the house if access is a little harder? Like would they use those stepping stones etc.
And what if it's completely fenced off? lol

I assume you just go home and once you get inside the villager will come inside. They won’t follow.
Wait, you know how Kyle says "right now", as in, he wants to go to the house at that moment?

How does the villager get to the house if access is a little harder? Like would they use those stepping stones etc.
And what if it's completely fenced off? lol

It would be really cool if they did use ladders, poles, sidestepping and hopping. Likely though, they would just teleport to you when you enter your home. That's what I'd expect at least.