New Year's Eve Party


Co-Founder of TBT
Retired Staff
Dec 2, 2004
Hey-o everyone,

I'll be having a New Year's Eve party tonight, so hope somebody can come!


Slots -

1) Me
2) Rob
3) Kolvo
4) Xanthos

Later Slots -

1) Me
2) Glactor
3) Justin125
4) Twilight King

Even Later Slots -

1) Me
2) Stormtrooper88888
4) Link2398

<big><big><big><big><big>IF YOU ARE BOOTED, PLEASE DO NOT COME BACK AS TO NOT TAKE UP ROOM OF OTHER PEOPLE. Thanks</big></big></big>

The party will start at around 7 PM Central, and MIGHT go all the way into 12 am! Hope some of you can join me! I'll be having giveaways, too.

I'll come, I'll come!!! I never went on Wi-Fi with AC:WW, but I can, because I have a router. So when will we exchange codes to go to your town?
What time zone are you in? If your in central/eastern or whatever, I can come so I wont miss my own New Years stuff. :lol:
I pretty sure I can say that TwilightKing will drop in for a bit.

^_^ I'm logged in on with him.
oh and i'll bring a TON of Party Poppers.
Justin125 said:
oh and i'll bring a TON of Party Poppers.
Heh, I have got more than 100 of those at the moment. Talking to Tortimer non-stop pays off.

TwilightKing said:
Thanks for reserving a spot for me SL92! And when are you supposed to be there in the later slots, Bul?
Sometime when the people in the first slots leave, or something.

Kolvo said:
I'll come, I'll come!!! I never went on Wi-Fi with AC:WW, but I can, because I have a router. So when will we exchange codes to go to your town?
PM me your AC:WW info.
I just added everyone who is coming who have their AC:WW info in their sig or have it in the Friend Code directory OR have PMed me.