.::/*New Years Signature Competition*\::.

Nixie said:
Meh... no one here appreciates the hand drawn stuff >.>
I do :3

The problem nowadays is that computer-generated graphics are much nicer than hand-drawn, though I personally like combining the two with the use of a graphics tablet.
Jas0n said:
Nixie said:
Meh... no one here appreciates the hand drawn stuff >.>
I do :3

The problem nowadays is that computer-generated graphics are much nicer than hand-drawn, though I personally like combining the two with the use of a graphics tablet.
I did use a tablet XD
But it will never beat the professional drawings done by other people which people here cut out and put on a background :3
Nixie said:
Jas0n said:
Nixie said:
Meh... no one here appreciates the hand drawn stuff >.>
I do :3

The problem nowadays is that computer-generated graphics are much nicer than hand-drawn, though I personally like combining the two with the use of a graphics tablet.
I did use a tablet XD
But it will never beat the professional drawings done by other people which people here cut out and put on a background :3
No, what I mean is using the power of a graphic's tablet to control brushes in photoshop, etc.

&Those professional drawings are only one part of the signature, it's not as simple as putting them on a background. A LOT more work goes into them, sometimes even more work than what a drawing takes.
Which is why I suck at backgrounds XD

Wait... what do you mean by the whole brushes thing?
Nixie said:
Which is why I suck at backgrounds XD

Wait... what do you mean by the whole brushes thing?
Photoshop has "brushes" which are basically fixed templates that are repeated over and over again when you drag the mouse along, like for example if you choose a circular template and drag the mouse along, you will get a rounded line.

Photoshop has the power to manipulate these brushes though, and also gain power from the tablet, so you could make the brush size change depending on how hard you press on the tablet, same goes for the opacity, roundness, amount of scatter or pretty much any properties of the brush. You can also do the same with pen tilt if your tablet supports pen tilt.

An example of how I combine this with normal computer-generated graphics is creating realistic sparkle in my backgrounds by using a soft round brush and applying a scatter & size jitter to my pen pressure.

I think you can see where I'm going.

My first siggg
Yea... I've seen about the scatter and jitter thing but haven't bothered to try them out yet XD
How does everyone get the effect of the shards of glass like things? and the snow??? I need to know XD
Nixie said:
How does everyone get the effect of the shards of glass like things? and the snow??? I need to know XD
Brushes, Search on devianart, they have some good ones.
Sarah your great at sigs, You should still enter D:
It'll actually give you a challenge and you'll improve.
Josh. said:
Sarah your great at sigs, You should still enter D:
It'll actually give you a challenge and you'll improve.
maybe. :3
i dunno, i probably wont even have time.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>EW</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">

its ugly.. but whatever. lol
kalinn said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>EW</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">

its ugly.. but whatever. lol
Damn thats cute <3