News from the NP

MasterDS lite said:
Super_Naruto said:
Bulerias said:
Storm is right, and you guys are forgetting something else; 10+ games added to the VC every month, so that's like a new game every 2-3 days! I LOVE the VC Launch list, just because it has lots of titles I missed that I REALLY want to play!
2 SNES games? That list sucks...F-Zero is a cool game, but not as a launch VC game. Sim City? WTH is that........some good launch VC would've been DKC, SMW, Super Metroid.
I know. How come Japan and Europe get DKC?

Another thing. Why is there only one N64 game? And it's the one ported only 2 years ago. Why not throw in Paper Mario, DK64, or Kirby 64? Maybe a little Mario 64 while we're at it.

At least I can relax because I heard a rumor that...

SPOILER! (Hilight to read)
They're going to add more later

Also, classics have a tendancy to suck. :r
Uhh, spoiler? They're going to add 10+ games a month to the VC. :|

And classics tend to kick the crap out of new games, actually... I love classic games.
Thta runor has been confirmed if you would read the 1st posts then you would know that and classics are awsome well it depends and mario 64 will be luanch.