Super_Naruto said:
Bulerias said:
Storm is right, and you guys are forgetting something else; 10+ games added to the VC every month, so that's like a new game every 2-3 days! I LOVE the VC Launch list, just because it has lots of titles I missed that I REALLY want to play!
2 SNES games? That list sucks...F-Zero is a cool game, but not as a launch VC game. Sim City? WTH is that........some good launch VC would've been DKC, SMW, Super Metroid.
I know. How come Japan and Europe get DKC?
Another thing. Why is there only one N64 game? And it's the one ported only 2 years ago. Why not throw in Paper Mario, DK64, or Kirby 64? Maybe a little Mario 64 while we're at it.
At least I can relax because I heard a rumor that...
SPOILER! (Hilight to read)
They're going to add more later
Also, classics have a tendancy to suck. :r