New's years resolutions/goals

I dont really know what my resolutions for last year were, or even what they should be this year. Weirdly I've felt like I've been slipping late this year in the mental health department, so maybe I'll go back to therapy sometime in the new year. It would help, but I'm nervous to due to needing to get a new doctor (since I turned 18).

One thing I planned to do this year was plant my fish tanks with live plants, but Covid seriously got in the way of that. I couldn't go out and search like I wanted to, and with the recent death of my Marinara I'm especially discouraged. I want to do something for my fish but I haven't a clue what.

Honestly Covid is making me nervous to make any plans,,
- graduate from university next year
- drink more water
- put in better effort in exercising
- contribute more in conversations
- cut down on sugar
- start a garden when the weather is warmer
- draw stuff more often/practice in general
- make friends/ at least try to acquaintance myself with others
- cook more + learn recipes from my family

aiming to make progress/complete at least half on the list🤥
I plan to have a child. Husband and I are getting up there in years, but we're in a stable position now, so now's the time. :)
I remember last year we were given a chance to write out resolutions/or goals for this year. I recently found my old resolutions and it's quite a shame looking at them after all that has happened this year and me not meeting hardly any of my goals.

Here's mine:
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Does anyone remember yours or do you have an idea what you're hoping to do next year?

I think I only have three I wanna focus on at the moment:
- work on understanding my mental health and anexity.
- finish working on a short story, that I am halfway in already!
- continue working on my arts & crafts, photography.

Cute !!
I have a few resolutions this year:
- Be less self absorbed and pay attention to the people I care about.
- Pray more often.
- Start more projects and actually finish them.
- Don't be shy about working with other people and hit them up for collaborations or to ask questions.
- Get an exercise routine.
- Volunteer more often.
- Read more often.
- Get in the habit of falling asleep without the computer in my face.
I had a wonderful year here at TBT. Such lovely people. And i learned a lot about myself. I have a sick sense of humor which is not funny at all actually. And it went wrong on some interactions here on the forum, and in the game. I regret those so much. I even did get warning i hope that one will go away in the new year.

My resolutions? Do be wonderful to those around me and those i will meet in the future. And to continue learning.
Wishing everyone so much love and happiness for 2021!
I have started to think to myself and I don’t have a resolution for New Years but I’m still thinking and I just wanted to make a friendly thread where people can post their New Years resolution so what is your number one resolution?
I actually started this over a week ago, but my resolution is to cut back what I eat, work out more, build muscle, and lose weight (all those things go hand in hand), as well as improving flexibility. My weight hovered around 168 lbs for a long time but I've somehow gotten to weigh around 183 lbs (crazy I know, according to my BMI I'm "moderately obese" lmfaooo) so I've been working towards losing that weight and slimming my belly/legs. it's a slow and tedious process but I have faith that it will pay off soon. my target weight is 150 lbs, idk if I'll make it by the end of the year but whenever it happens I'm really excited for it!

I'll prob come up with more resolutions along the way. I'll be graduating with a Bachelors degree in May so I would like to find a good job that I can work at to save up some money. hoping to move out within a year from graduation, even if it's into an apartment.
I'm also gonna take the opportunity after graduation (during the job hunt) to keep my mental health in check. I've found that many times in college, if I get myself into a bunch of things I think I might enjoy, not only does it drain me physically but it also makes my mental health really horrible (and excess stress and anxiety can lead to weight gain, what a shocker). so one of my resolutions will be to start my job hunt and look for a place/position that I'll genuinely enjoy and not kill myself over. I'm tired of being stressed all the time.

I would also like to make an effort to travel more. I've been wanting to visit family and I haven't been able to do it before, but now that I have my license & car I really want to make time to do that. I'm thinking during my spring break this year I'll go visit my family in southern Ohio, hopefully covid doesn't get worse by then.
My resolutions are to wake up earlier and get a little bit of exercise in, make healthier meals, and go to sleep earlier :) also id like to get back to reading before bed instead of playing ac
I've posted other goals elsewhere, but I just thought of a new one! I'm going to try to be more active on the forums and try to make 20 tbt per day through posting. It's not much, but I'm hoping it'll add up while I'm waiting for events. I hope to own a dreamy egg one day. ; ~;
I don't exactly have many resolutions in mind but I do have some things that I want to do next year.
  • Have a better relationship with God and read the Bible more
  • Maintain my exercise habits and maybe make more time for that too
  • Learn how to actually manage my time and get things done easier
  • Get through the rest of high school and graduate
  • Talk to my friends who actually care about our friendship
  • And all the friendships that didn't survive this pandemic, just let go of them
  • And I just want a fresh start with life
I tend to be unable to keep most of my new year's resolutions so I'm going to set the bar low this year. Here's to a (hopefully) good 2021!

- Let's try to cook something at least once a week
- Let's try to exercise at least once a week (in any capacity)
- Let's engage in our hobby at least once a week

Hoping I can fulfill these little resolutions and live a healthier life!
Although I don't really do resolutions, I had a few resolutions for 2020:
  • First one was increasing the amount of sleep I got (and stabilizing my sleep schedule some more), which, hey, I did that successfully (though things were kinda sketch from February to April), though I can definitely keep improving it!
  • Second one was to complete my video game backlog, which I barely managed to accomplish on December 22 (for my own sanity, I give myself a pass even though I've now gotten more games due to Christmas gifts, but that's next year's problem, lol)
  • Third one was improving myself and continuing to grow, which, uh, yeah, definitely felt like I regressed a fair amount this year, which I'm not happy with.
Now for 2021, things are still in flux due to the pandemic and what not, so 2021 will continue to be "not normal" (as it were, anyway), which makes it harder to really pin down some resolutions, but I've got a few in mind:
  • Try to improve my personal relationships with people (and make new ones, maybe, possibly, hopefully), since it feels like those suffered from my regression this past year
  • Figure out what's going to happen and what I want to do with regards to my job. Being WFH these past 9 months, I've really realized how much better I feel working at home compared to working in an office, and if I had it my way, I'd be WFH permanently. However, my boss has kept saying that we will all return to the office one day, and if they don't allow me to continue working from home once they re-open the office to everybody, well, then I'll most likely have to break out of my comfort zone and begin job searching, since I really don't want to go back to working in that office.
  • In general, I want to improve myself and keep growing and make sure I am on the path I want to be on heading towards the future.
I wish I had had the foresight to write down my resolutions! I can't believe I never had in order to check myself/congratulate myself later!

This year I am resolving to not do any resolutions. I saw on some form of social media that someone wasn't doing any because this year has been so hard, perhaps we could afford to give ourselves a break. Perhaps that a resolution in and of itself!!! So I guess I still do have a resolution.

I encourage anyone else reading this with a list of resolutions, to add "give yourself a pat on the back" to it! You've made it this far.
I honestly don't really know completely because 2020 threw things off for me. There's so much I wanted to do in 2020 that I didn't get to do because of the pandemic in general (safety issues + some things being closed/restricted) and because of pandemic + US election year caused severe depression.

I think I need to get my mental health (and hopefully physical health too) under control before I worry about any concrete resolutions.
i wasn’t active on here last new year’s nor did i really have any resolutions but this year, i want to try and work on the following;

incorporate some exercise into my daily routine - i am,, very much so out of shape lmao and the fact that i keep trying to force myself into doing intense workouts right off the bat isn’t helping >_<. this year, all i want is to incorporate some sort of exercise into my routine each day; whether it’s climbing some stairs or going for a walk, anything is better than nothing imo. :’)

be kinder to myself - this one’s obviously going to take much longer than a year but i deserve to be kinder to myself. i deserve to love myself. i’m not entirely sure how i’m going to do this but i definitely need to work on setting boundaries with others, standing up for myself, being honest and trying not to focus on the negatives so much. my life is honestly always chaotic and everything that should be simple just,, isn’t lmao but i want to try and find at least one good thing in everyday. i’ve got plans to write down the good parts of each day, save them somewhere and then look at them at the end of 2021 or when i need some optimism. i’ve never done something like this before but i feel like it’d be nice? i also want to maybe start putting positive quotes of some kind up on my new horizons bulletin board; the limit of 30 messages isn’t too sexy but i can always keep screenshots, too!

better hygiene - this is gross to admit but my mental health is real good at doing a number on my hygiene. i really want to improve on that this year; even if all i can manage during my depressive episodes is remain hygienic then i’ll honestly consider that a win. :’)

start therapy - 🥴

strengthen friendships and form new ones - all of my friends are honestly incredible and i’d love to become closer with them this year! i’d also love to make some new friends, too. :’)

and i think that’s it! pretty cliche goals but they’re what is important to me aha. happy new year, everyone, and good luck with all of your goals and resolutions!! <3 🥳
- Learn to drive
I’ve had my learner’s license for 2 years and I’ve barely driven, so I’m hoping to power through the hours this year and get it done with.

- Make uni friends
I’m gonna blame COVID, being a first year and your only outlet of communication being zoom, it was extremely hard to make friends. Hopefully restrictions ease and classes are in-person, for which I’m hoping to make friends

- Lose weight,
I lost 11kg last year, then gained 2kg this holiday season. Hoping to shave off the holiday weight plus another 5kg and hit my goal

- Save money
I spend way too much on food now that I have a job, and I wanna put my money towards something useful things like clothes, or saving lol
- take school more seriously (i do, but i mean like getting straight A's and study more often) especially since this year im starting my senior year, and im gonna start having to apply for colleges :0
- get a job !! even if its just a summer job : )
- work on my mental health, it got really bad this year and i really hope it will get better this year : )
Pretty much it's the same as last year. I don't want too many goals because I don't want to set myself up for disappointment, so I only have two major goals:
- Get a job
- and get in shape (thankfully the treadmill purchase this year will make things easier).