I mean, I appreciate the marketing potential that a Direct brings, it's just personally I don't want see anymore of the game so I won't be disappointed if there isn't one.
It wouldn't surprise me if they just gonna drop randomly new informations on twitter and/or YouTube instead of releasing a Direct. After all, the announcement of the AC Switch also came out of nowhere and Nintendo often dropped in the past news of long awaited games on social media. I remember when everyone waited for a actual Direct and instead of releasing one, Nintendo just posted a ton of news on twitter (fans called it "Twitter Direct").
Of course I would be happy about a Direct however.
I agree with Scrapper; I think a drip feed of information will be fed to us over the next 2 months. We'll see the odd new character here and there, with an occasional new feature thrown in.
Honestly I want a direct. I love pokmeon and smash, but it's kinda BS both got a decent amount of time for a dedicated direct when the pokemon DLC pass isn't even going to come out until summer. The drip feed of information has gotten kinda old, it's less than two months before the game comes out and we've seen very little about the 2020 lineup to the point where it's almost concerning. Nintendo HAS to know people are getting upset abou the lack of information - its all over the internet.
I think it's a weird move to just slowly announce things. I love the new switch, but I'm not that active on twitter and I wouldn't have even known about it unless the group chat I'm in hadn't put up a picture. It's just weird. There's gotta be so much to the game, why not show it?
I don't know... I kind of like how little we know about the game? It would be nice to get some clarity on what the medium-term goals/possibilities of the game are - how we build up the island into a town - but a huge part of the fun for me with New Leaf (my first game) was how I knew next-to-nothing about what was going to happen... every day brought a new surprise.
... but the moment a Direct drops I'll be there and hyping out, of course
As frustrating as it is, the way they're announcing things might work well for them. See how us hungry fans are dissecting every crumb of content? People are making videos just analyzing a single screenshot. Maybe this way builds the most amount of hype for the littlest amount of effort.