I've written at least twelve five-page articles ont his subject. Here's my opinion:
1. Xbox 360:
The early release will definitely help it, and with a name like Microsoft behind it, with a bit of advertising and extra third-party lost from Sony (later on in this small read), it'll get a lot of attention.
2. Revolution:
The innovation already has attracted Capcom, Namco, Sega, Square Enix, Konami, and EA, but with Nintendo's fan-base behind it as well, I see the revolution doing well.
3. Playstation 3:
Let's see... where to begin... oh yes. There are to media discs competing to replace the DVD: the BluRay disc (50GB) and the HD-DVD(45GB). The HD-DVD is half the price while the BluRay his NINE LAYERS. No one is supporting the BluRay either. Leave it to Sony to make the BluRay the only disc the PS3 accepts. So, once the HD-DVD is accepted and the Blu-Ray is left in the dust, the prices of BluRays will skyrocket, making developers paying way too much money for games, so much that they won't make a profit. Bye bye third-party! And that's how Nintnedo lost the past two systems.