Next Project on your Island?

Prob gonna move the museum and make it look nice. i hate where i have it now. i'll have to wait a few days though because it's renovating for art.
making my beach like a resort beach. held it off for months because I don't have time and i'm too lazy.
  • Figure out what I want to do with my newest resident's yard (Fang)
  • Once I've gotten the crafting materials, tear down my current décor in front of Resident Services and replace it with holiday decorations
  • Planning for my next major island rehaul... I keep changing my mind about what I want it to look like. XD
I honestly haven’t got any inspiration at the moment 🤔 I have just redesigned my airport entrance which I am pleased with. So much still todo and no idea where to start 🙈
I’m currently working on terraforming and building a foundation for my island. I recently tore it all down so it’s been a rigorous process, quite happy with it so far though :)
I'm working on decorating my main island for Christmas. I might redo the paths, definitely going to add some red flowers to go with the white flowers. I might swap out some deciduous trees for cedar trees to get more ornaments. I got a big festive tree for the living room and a couple illuminated ones for outdoors. It's exciting. Due to the pandemic, I won't be doing much for Christmas in real life, so this is a way to have some fun.
i love the idea of an outdoor library, so i'm in the mix of also trying to work that into my island. however, i also want to add a secondary layer for a cafe of sorts, so it's.. an interesting process so far 😅
I'm adding a cafe near my museum to hopefully keep me from totally redoing my island til after christmas LOL

I get bored easily (which is why i always started new games on older versions) and have plans to 100% redo my island to keep from starting a new game, but I just decorated for christmas so I want to wait lol
oh! i never thought of a gift shop; that's a really neat idea!

I have an awkward narrow strip by my museum to do anything big so I'll have to wait for the toys to get added so I can have them in the shop. I've seen some designs for museum theme clothing. Originally it was going to be a cafe but I want a bigger cafe.
When I get the motivation to turn my game back on, my plan is to travel back to turkey day, do that event and then travel back to present time and start prepping for winter/holiday stuff on my island.
I don't know when I will do this. I should do at least the turkey day event tomorrow. I think when the first of December hits, and turkey day event is out of the way, I will be eager to get on. I have already started listening to some christmas music. And we are getting some snow tonight where I live.
(I hate the feeling of catch up... I wish they allowed us to travel forward. I would have done Turkey Day a day or two before USA Thanksgiving...)
i love the idea of an outdoor library, so i'm in the mix of also trying to work that into my island. however, i also want to add a secondary layer for a cafe of sorts, so it's.. an interesting process so far 😅
I put an outdoor classroom (I suppose you could call it a library with all the bookshelves I placed XD) right outside the Museum on its right side. The Museum just seemed like the area where everyone could get learnt on my island. 😆

Anyways, at least where I live, it's fairly common to have Chapters (bookstore) and Starbucks (café) in the same-ish building, typically with the café on the first floor, where customers can order and sit/chat, and the bookstore taking up the rest of the first floor and sometimes extending to a second floor.
I put an outdoor classroom (I suppose you could call it a library with all the bookshelves I placed XD) right outside the Museum on its right side. The Museum just seemed like the area where everyone could get learnt on my island. 😆

Anyways, at least where I live, it's fairly common to have Chapters (bookstore) and Starbucks (café) in the same-ish building, typically with the café on the first floor, where customers can order and sit/chat, and the bookstore taking up the rest of the first floor and sometimes extending to a second floor.
that's exactly the kind of feel i wanted; where you could go and have a nice hot beverage and read a book 🖤 i didn't have anywhere for my piano to go, either, and it fits in well with the bookcases so i think i'm going to find a way to incorporate it as well.
I’m currently working on terraforming and building a foundation for my island. I recently tore it all down so it’s been a rigorous process, quite happy with it so far though :)
How do you tear it all down? Just reset? or?
changed it up a bit, i have 4 things I'm doing tmw (major island design plans going on :) )

  1. Move Willow's house to the neighborhood. There are currently only 3 villagers in this neighborhood - Bam, Mathilda, and Wolfgang. I plan to have a total of 6 in the neighborhood- gonna add Willow, Tia, and Cheri. It'll look great yee yee :')
  2. Move the orchard. The current placement sucks. It's gonna go behind resident services.
  3. Start on my museum garden... in 2 days I will move the museum and it'll have a very pretty garden with statues and paintings for decorations. No fossils though because they're ugly imo
  4. Create my 'random forest'. There will be a little area infront of what is soon to be the museum plateau and for the life of me I cannot think of anything original to put there, so I'm just gonna put a ton of trees there + maybe a couple of woodsy decorations. I think it'll look cool but hopefully Isabelle won't get pissed for the 'overabundance of trees'.