De-Halloween-ing my island and pulling all my bushes and replacing them with holly. I moved the majority of my set flowers that were HW themed and planted red and white lilies. Hurry up Christmas stuff! I want to decorate!!!
I have been working on redesigning my entire town. I built quite small/condensed and ended up with a third of my island being empty space I didn't really know what to do with. So now I'm moving all my buildings to try and make better use of the space.
1. a market in front of Redd's beach with a secret pathway leading to it
2. terraforming the area around my resident services
3. a japanese night market with Zucker's house in it
Move my house and terraform my yard. Currently my house is on the beach because it's easier for construction but I hate where it is and putting it in its final spot is my main goal
Move my museum and make a little area for Blathers and Redd. I made a library for Blathers on my main island but I'd like to make a little archaeology area or little antiques market in the back of my island where Redd's beach is. I'd like to make that whole area just for the museum and Redd!
Make my ice rink and cocoa stand: ahead of winter I'm making an ice rink area in the front of my island. I have to gather materials first to build a bunch of things and work on my custom designs but I've already cleared the land and it should be a quicker project. I hope to have that done within the next week or two but I might wait for the snow to stick first!
I always have 100000 things going on in my new island, but most of the projects are unfinished- my glorious entrance to nowhere is hilarious. The juxtaposition with the unfinished land is so funny to me! Since it'll be a while before Toy Day I hope to use early December as my project time to finish a lot of construction. I may even make a big lake- who knows!!!
There are a few rooms in my house that I just didn't know what to do with until very recently. I'll be emptying those and filling them with something that I like more than what I have now!
I've been switching over to winter decorations. My biggest project is just detailing everything. Changing the colors of the shells by Audie's house. Redoing a few villager yards. Making sure that my forest has all pine trees now. Just little things like that.
I might have to tear down a bridge and build two more in Its place, but I'm still unsure. I'm adjusting Merengue's house first.
I am planning on taking down my pumpkin patch and making a letters to Santa booth. I might take my playground down and make a winter village.
I just need winter decorations! That time in between seasons is difficult!
One fabulously epic winter/Toy Day festival Already got it mentally planned out, just need the items, lol. I'm TTing in December now, day by day (don't wanna miss anything, especially since Able Sister's FINALLY has all the cute sweaters/hats/coats I've been drooling over in stock), working my way towards ornament and snowflake season!
I also need to edit part of my forest at some point, and figure out what to do with my totally out of place Japanese bath area in the long run (it's going to be turned into the "north pole" for the winter fest pretty soon to start with, though). Basically, I've got a lot of stuff I can play around with, which makes me happy. I think I'm one of the rare players who has no intention to "finish" my island- I WANT it to be a constant WIP, because then I'll always have more to do and enjoy!
Next project is probably flattening the entire place and starting from scratch, but I'm way too lazy to get started so for now I'm just clearing out all the extra flowers I have because my beaches can't take any more lol
my next big project will probably be tackling my bamboo forest, it's very plain and boring atm and I really want to add some furniture/decorations to the space and probably move around the actual bamboo trees. I also have to clear my beach (where I'm currently putting all my flowers) because I want to use the space for something else but honestly have no idea where to put all of them so that's also something I need to work on haha
I want to make a Christmas trail or something like that. I can't do many of my irl traditions this year so I want to create a festive area in game for me to visit.
I've burnt myself out a bit with my forest area. I like quite linear pathways where villagers can't get lost or 'hidden' behind things, so I've made deliberate pathways through my forest and essentially placed bushes, items and fences (decoratively of course) in-between all of the trees. It took a long while to make it look nice, so now I'm just taking some time away from intense project work before I start on the campsite which is on the outskirt of the forest.