Next Project on your Island?

Getting blue roses. Making my town festive. Making my town snow suitable.
All small projects but still things ill be working on for the next month :)
My entrance-need to figure out if I can squeeze an airport waiting area and the grand garden I've been fantasizing about, lol.
my current project is consistently hitting all 6 rocks every morning to get enough clay to fill my forest paths with mush lamps and hyacinth lamps to add a little more color during the winter. this is the one time I'm actually happy to get a mini stack of clay from balloons
For some odd reason, one day after finally finishing everything (with the exception of the Christmas decorations) I had planned in my island, I'm questioning if I should remake the island from scratch (no, I'm not considering resetting, but totally flattening the island and reworking it from there).

I feel like it's a lot more urban than I initially wanted. Two things that annoy me is that I wanted to have more trees (i could have more than 200 but I really don't want to go back to a 4 star rating), and for some reason, I don't think "the path" looks good on my island. It could look better if I changed other things, but I don't know. Although I'm not using a custom path, I currently have one saved that looks like the old AC cobblestone floor, but even though it looks good, I don't think it fits NH.
I'm making a little ice area on my island and working on finishing up the entrance on my husband's island. It is surprisingly fun working on a theme for him which is a mix of more natural and high fantasy since his island is named after the Final Fantasy town of Mord Souq.
I'm building a zodiac garden for Raymond and Julian's combined yards in the back of my island.
Adding a few more holiday decorations, making a mermaid cove/beach and zen beach/garden. :)
Currently working on getting the Frozen series so I can make an ice lounge for my dear penguin villagers.
I'm also slowly but surely looking for more houseplant variations to add to my beachside botanical garden/lab area that I've tucked off in the lefthand corner of my island.
Currently also trying to figure out ideas for what to do with some of the blank spaces on my island still.
i might flatten it to start decorating. idk though, flattening is so tedious and i am not sure if it's going to be worth it. but i want to start decorating and at the moment i don't know what i want to do or where i want anything to be, and maybe that will be easier if i have a plain canvas? idk.
Come spring I'm gonna redo my entire town again for the season. making big pastel flowerbeds, changing out seasonal decorations, changing house exteriors, ect. I'm usually redoing everything for holidays/seasons.
When they add new buildings in the future I am going to get rid of those spots on my island that I had nothing going on with it.
Just did my library, and the entrance. Currently looking for ideas online to keep working on my Island
Decorating my island. I’m pretty much done terraforming and everything is set, except for paths. Still trying to decide if I want the in game paths or use The Path to make it more natural. I’m sorta of doing an all nature/what I like in it island. Just something that makes my island my cozy home for me and my villagers. 🥰
Next/ current thing is:
Fleshing out the left side of my island!
I have big plans! I need to fit my house, the museum and some cute places here and there.
Since the very beginning I've treated the left side kind of like a dump for flowers trees and extra items or materials when I was too lazy to put them into storage, but after adding a post office to the right side of my map, as well as a bus stop, my eyes have opened up to the possibilities that I have in such a large space! I plan on bringing in a Sushi restaurant and have been collecting items to start that! I plan on also adding a garden shop and perhaps another food place, maybe even an outdoor laundromat! Hopefully with space for my museum, house and a little zen place to relax :) I want to maximise the space I have on the left because I feel things are too spaced out on the right, maybe I'll also work on fitting some little things in here and there for the right :)
I'm hoping to add a zen but also urban-ish feel to my island :)