Shop Nikki's PokéShop (Some Rare Moves/Legends/Shinies)

hi, could i have the breloom please? thank you!
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This is great place to get pokes . Bump.
Hi guys, just a quick little update from me. I'm going to be moving into a new house soon (July 22, 2016 specifically), and because of this, I might loose access to wifi for a bit. But I know it won't be for too long, since my parents could never go without it for too long either. Anyway, do to this, order will be on a pause for a minute. Everyone that has commented so far will be put on a list, so don't worry, i'll get back to you <3

Thanks for understanding, and also thanks for all of the support! I'll be sure to do something special for everyone!

People on Waiting List ATM:
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Hey no problem. Just have safe move and seya when you get back.
Hey NikkiKaji, I would just like to let you know that from this Sunday to Friday (7/24 - 7/29) I will not be able to trade for the pokemon. But anytime afterwards is fine :)
Hey NikkiKaji, in my order, I'd like to cancel the Mew and Genesect plz, so my new order is

6IV Shiny Adamant Ditto
6IV Shiny Modest Ditto

For A Total of 40tbt

Thx! :)
Great place to get pokemon of all kinds for all your Bell Tree Fair Needs.
Hi can i buy the following

#034 Nidoking | Timid | Sheer Force | 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Earth Power, Sludge Wave, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower | LV: 100 | EVs: 252 Sp.Atk 252 Spd 4 HP | Item: Life Orb or Choice Scarf | Price: 30TBT

#091 Cloyster | Jolly | Skill Link | 31/31/31/30/31/31
Moves: Shell Smash, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, Ice Shard | LV: 100 | EVs: 252 Atk 252 Spd 4 HP | Item: Focus Sash | Price: 25TBT

#649 Genesect | Timid | Download | 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Techno Blast, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam | LV: 100 | EVs: 252 SpAtk 252 Spd 4 HP | Item: Life Orb | Price: 30TB

#121 Starmie | Timid | Natural Cure | 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Scald, Ice Beam, Psyshock, Rapid Spin | LV: 100 | EVs: 252 SpAtk 252 Spd 4 HP | Item: Life Orb | Price: 30TBT

and do these pokemon have their English name? and what is cloysters gender
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#719 Diancie | Hasty | Clear Body | 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Diamond Storm, Earth Power, Moonblast, Protect| LV: 100 | EVs: 56 Atk 200 Sp.Atk 252 Spd | Item: Diancite | Price: 45TBT
If its tradeable and still shiny I'll buy
#310 Manectric | Timid | Lightning Rod | 31/31/31/31/31/30
Moves: Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, HP Ice, Volt Switch | LV: 100 | EVs: 252 SpAtk 252 Spd 4 HP | Item: Manectricite | Price: 30TBT
If its female I'll buy
y#398 Staraptor | Adamant | Reckless | 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Double Edge, Brave Bird, Close Combat, U-Turn| LV: 100 | EVs: 252 Atk 252 Spd 4 HP| Item: Choice Scarf | Price: 25TBT
If its female I'll buy
#676 Furfrou | Careful | Fur Coat | 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Cotton Guard, Rest, Snarl, Hyper Voice | LV: 100 | EVs: 252 HP 252 SpDef 4 Def | Item: Leftovers | Price: 30TBT
If its female I'll buy

Thx! Also u should put genders :3
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