nikolympics: team hyrule

me and silver have pokemon covered since ubers are banned. . .i know one of the main pokemon players on team pokemon is all butthurt that he can't use kyogre. . .speaking of which i'm trying to figure out which combination works the best so far i know Lopunny, Blissey and Gardevoir make the team but the last three i'm trying to decide on
Hello guys! I was wondering if you guys would like to a scrimmage against Team Pokemon at MKW, or Pokemon what ever suits you guys.
Let's see. Heatran counters...

There's other Heatran





Calm Zapdos IS a counter

Blissey (unless Heatran explodes)
that's the fun thing about pokemon. . .there's a counter to everything. . .like if you sent out swampert and it started cursing someone could just switch in a grass type and hit you with energy ball
Jigg Hibiki said:
that's the fun thing about pokemon. . .there's a counter to everything. . .like if you sent out swampert and it started cursing someone could just switch in a grass type and hit you with energy ball
Kyogre has no real counter. Neither does Raquaza.
frosslass outspeeds rayquaza and with choice specs OHKO's it and anything with a focus sash and mirror coat will counter kyogre. . .
Jigg Hibiki said:
frosslass outspeeds rayquaza and with choice specs OHKO's it and anything with a focus sash and mirror coat will counter kyogre. . .
The definiton of a counter is something that can switch in safely most of the time and is an immediate threat.

Neither of those pokemon can switch in safely.
ok going with that definition then we go with with either palkia or blissey for kyogre. . .and a metagross can switch in pretty easily if it's the standard dragon dance outrage rayquaza


Psych Up / Calm Mind Blissey, Latias, special defensive Dialga (particularly the Bulk Up set), and Latios are counters to all sets except the Choice Band set. These are really the only reliable Kyogre counters; Kyogre's special stats are just too high for anything else to threaten Kyogre without too much risk to itself after Kyogre gets a Calm Mind in. Lanturn also gets a special mention as it can switch in on any of Kyogre's moves and hit back with a STAB Thunder. Shedinja gets a comedy mention as well; it completely walls Kyogre unless it carries Hidden Power specifically to hit it. Lapras takes on Kyogre that either don't have Thunder (some Substitute or Resting sets) or are locked into a non-Thunder move with a Choice item. It can hit Kyogre back hard with Specs Thunder for a 2HKO, or it can predict a switch to another Uber in a Dragon-heavy metagame and use STAB Ice Beam. Similarly, Quagsire takes on Kyogre without Ice Beam, and can hit hard with Choice Band Earthquake, again for a 2HKO, or it, too, can predict a switch and Ice Punch something. Dugtrio gets a special mention just because of the popularity of Choice Scarf / Choice Specs Kyogre, because if Dugtrio catches Kyogre locked into Thunder, it's a guaranteed KO.

Palkia easily switches in to a Choice Scarf Water Spout with its 4x resistance. In the process, Kyogre wasted 2 PP due to Pressure. Note that if Kyogre gets in a Calm Mind on the switch, it 2HKOs Palkia with Thunder, but Palkia cannot 2HKO back with a Thunder of its own, unless that Palkia carries Choice Specs. Palkia, however, can switch into Kyogre's STAB Water moves with relative ease. If Kyogre does not pack Ice Beam, Rayquaza will be troublesome, cutting down the rain to neutralize Kyogre's Water powers and Thunder's accuracy. Grass Arceus can counter Kyogre if it avoids Ice Beam, and then it can strike back with a powerful Grass Knot / Judgment.