Nintendo 64 vs GameCube

Which console was better in general

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“Assorted” Collector
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
Cool Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Orange Candy
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Of these two consoles, which one do you like more in general, in terms of model, controller design, color choice for console and controllers, hardware, and the games libraries? Do not include remakes please.

In my opinion, I felt that Nintendo was at their best during the 64 era and GameCube era, but if I had to pick, I would go with the Nintendo 64 as the better system. The only things the GameCube beats the N64 in (IMO) is controller design, console unit design, third-party lineup, and the 3D Mario title (Super Mario Sunshine). The rest, I would say the Nintendo 64 is a better platform. Mario Kart has better tracks, Paper Mario has better sidekicks, the Pokemon spin-offs were better, and of course, the Zelda titles. The cartridge based system (even if it was bad for third parties) was better for the N64 than the discs since the N64 units can work after 20 years. That, and games load quickly. Another reason why I like the N64 is because it comes in many colors. I wonder why Nintendo stopped having multi-colored consoles since the days of the Wii.
Oh, that's a tough one.

The GC-controller is one of the best imo, but the N64 one would have been really good too if it weren't for the sucky analogue stick design. Cartridges is always gonna be better than discs so there's a big win for the N64. I don't really care about the looks of the consoles, especially since both consoles are quite ugly (N64 more so than GC).
As always, it comes down to the games which console is better:
The N64 had: Ocarina of Time, Banjo-Kazooie and Goldeneye.
The GC had: Resident Evil 4 (still one of my favorite games of all time) and the first two Metroid Prime games.
None of the Mario Karts for the systems are very memorable and Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess are both overrated.

I don't know. I guess I'll give a slight edge to the Gamecube.
GameCube has a larger library and probably more "good" games...but the N64 has more *great* AAA games in my opinion. The ones I enjoy returning to again and again. For that reason, I give the edge to N64 mainly for those classic titles like Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, DK64, Super Mario 64, GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, and even Harvest Moon 64.
They both had amazing games, this is undeniable. In terms of graphics and controller, which makes it what it is as a console, I'd say the GameCube definitely wins.
The Nintendo 64 only really had Kirby 64 and Super Smash Bros., in my opinion. As much as I liked that, the Gamecube had Kirby Air Ride, Animal Crossing GCN, which is a better version of the previous two AC games, Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom, and The Spongebob Squarepants Movie game, two surprisingly decent TV show licensed video games, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Pok?mon Channel, which was basically a better version of Hey You Pikachu, and maybe one or two other games I forgot about. So Gamecube, no questions asked.

Plus the N64 had a weird controller with the control stick in the middle of the controller, so the N64 loses points for that.

I haven't played many games on those consoles, unfortunately. I want to get Banjo Kazooie for the N64 at some point, as well as Animal Forest e+ and the original Chibi-Robo for the Gamecube.
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I prefer the N64 hands down. I enjoyed a lot of the games that were released on that system. In fact, some of my favourite games of all time were released on that system. There aren't that many Game Cube games that I loved. I'll admit that it has the better controller, but that's where it ends.
I personally have played both systems and I definitely think the Gamecube is a better system overall. Sure, the N64 had classics like Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Paper Mario (my favorite N64 title), Star Fox 64, etc., but I personally think the Gamecube outshines the N64 for multiple reasons. First off, the controller of the Gamecube is superior in design compared to the N64 controller (I do realize that the Gamecube is the based off of the N64, but we are comparing products, not their similarities) and it continues to draw the eye of certain gaming communities like the Smash community. The next big plus of the Gamecube over the N64 is the Gameboy Player. You can play almost all Gameboy games on your TV with the best controller of your choice (Gamecube, Hori Pad, and actual GBA linked to GC). Another plus of the Gameboy player plus the system overall is Progressive Scan Mode (which unfortunately requires super expensive component cables or having the know how to mod the console) which allows the user to experience all the games in beautiful color and clean graphics. Another cool feature of the Gamecube is LAN mode if you can get your hands on the rare broadband adapters (at least 2) which provides the coolest multiplayer experiences (especially Mario Kart! :D). I can go on and on as to why the Gamecube is such a amazing system, but class is about to start. lol
I had both in my youth, but of the 2 I enjoyed the Gamecube a lot more. For comparison, these are the games I had for each:

Bomberman 64
Starfox 64
Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Paper Mario: TTYD
Baten Kaitos
Chibi Robo
Luigi's Mansion
Super Smash Bros Melee
Digimon World 4
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy
Zelda: Wind Waker
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Lords of the Rings: The Third Age
Mega Man X Command Mission

Overall, I thought the N64 controller was a bit...odd. The Gamecube controller felt like a super-streamlined version of the N64 controller, and was more comfortable to use. I loved the design of the Gamecube, and as far as setting it up it could fit nearly everywhere and still look nice.
I prefer Gamecube. Better games, graphics and I like the controller better too.
I'd have to give it to the GameCube. Nintendo failed to release a Metroid game on the Nintendo 64.
In terms of nostalgia I will have to say 64. If I am being honest I will have to say Gamecube! ^-^ I love both systems though! <3