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Nintendo account suspended the day after using unofficial amiibo cards

Sounds like a bait thread.
i would like some screenshots, the op’s account is very new, and i would like some proof before this all spirals out of their hands
Please do not accuse the OP. I made the decision to move this post to its own thread after it was posted in a place where they wouldn't receive the help they're looking for.
OP, did you initiate any chargebacks with your bank for something purchased on the eShop? That and purchasing from a 3rd party website are the most common reasons for someone to get banned. Second likely is a COPPA violation but if that happens you should be notified.

A user getting banned for using the amiibo cards is less likely than the seller on Etsy getting sued by Nintendo tbh.
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like many others have already pointed out, i would also like to reaffirm you that whatever happened to your nintendo account is very unlikely to do with you using non-official amiibos. 7/10 of my villagers are from nfc tags i bought online and a lot of us use them to invite villagers ever since launch without a problem.

i feel like there must be other underlying causes that must have led to your account getting suspended. hopefully you've already reached out to nintendo for a clarification on why it was suspended and they'll get back to you asap.
Hmm.. looked into it, and while 'homemade' amiibo are a bit of an iffy subject with Nintendo, they definitely shouldn't get a user banned as they are that they use the exact same 'code' that the official ones use.

The only thing I can think of is you purchased fake amiibo products, or your son did something else and was caught.
I have to agree with the other posters here - your best bet is to reach out to Nintendo on behalf of yourself and your son to see if they can give you a reason as to why the account was suspended, and whether you can appeal their decision. What kinds of Amiibo cards did you buy exactly? Did you buy what you thought were genuine cards from another user? Or, did you buy the homemade/bootleg variants?

It appears that Nintendo has taken action against sellers of bootleg Amiibo cards in the past, citing copyright as their reasoning - the sale of pre-made bootleg Amiibo is very much illegal, potentially falling under piracy and/or copyright violation. However, I am unable to find more information about whether they've taken action against purchasers of bootleg Amiibo, or against people who DIY Amiibo - this seems like a much more grey area.

Just because the data on the bootleg Amiibo is the same as the real Amiibo doesn't necessarily mean that it's legally acceptable to use a bootleg Amiibo. Just because thousands have used homemade Amiibo without facing consequences doesn't necessarily mean that no one faces consequences, and that may be the case with this account. However, I suspect the reason why Nintendo doesn't take action against more users who use bootleg Amiibo is due to a lack of enforcement capability rather than due to the legality/illegality of bootleg Amiibo - which is why in this case, I wouldn't be surprised if it were another suspendable action was taken on the account.

In short: there is certainly a chance that the account suspension was related to the Amiibo, but my guess would be that it was something else. Only Nintendo will be able to advise you of what happened, and whether you can appeal their decision. Good luck!
When you contact Nintendo make sure that you call. Chat/SMS (nor emails) can't assist with bans and they'll just have you call anyway.
There is zero chance it has anything to do with Amiibos assuming they are clones of the chips in the cards, which they should be. They cannot tell the difference because there is no difference. It’s like saying you took a picture of a barcode and now are banned for scanning the copy instead of the original. The machine doesn’t know. There is no need to panic, and I’m glad to see most users here expressing skepticism. Contact Nintendo and ask what’s up. Don’t mention Amiibos at all.
I refuse to believe this is Amiibo related. Before I got Dobie off of someone on here, I spent at least an hour looking at homemade Etsy Amiibos and all the reviews were stellar. Could your son have done something? I don't mean to accuse him of anything, but if he is, in fact, a child, he could have done something accidentally. When I was 7-10, I did a lot of dumb things in the games I played.
I refuse to believe this is Amiibo related. Before I got Dobie off of someone on here, I spent at least an hour looking at homemade Etsy Amiibos and all the reviews were stellar. Could your son have done something? I don't mean to accuse him of anything, but if he is, in fact, a child, he could have done something accidentally. When I was 7-10, I did a lot of dumb things in the games I played.
Honestly, my first instinct is he could have done something silly- I'm not judging your parenting or anything, of course. I just remember being a kid and it's easy to do something impulsively that may not go over well. Say a naughty word or make a goofy, inappropriate QR design and share it.

I didn't actually know homemade Amiibo cards were a thing until now, but if they were against the ToS, I feel like you'd hear more about people getting in trouble. Unless this is a new thing, where Nintendo has just decided to crack down on people using them, I doubt that's it. I'd definitely contact customer service or support or whatever to ask what the problem is directly.
If it WAS, in fact, the Amiibo, then that might be worth mentioning in the reviews of where you bought them from and/or on here or similar forums, to give others a heads up!
Just to be clear, an account ban and a ban from doing something inappropriate in game are completely different. If you or your child does something in game that violates that TOS you'll either receive an email (like the ones people received when their DA's were taken down) or an error code in-game. You received an error message for an account ban. My previous comment says the most common reasons for actual account bans.