Nintendo confirms save back up feature for Switch Online Users

This doesn't sound confirmed. From what I can read they are considering / investigating (検討) the feature. Still, it's a really hopeful step in the right direction.
I do hope it's confirmed! And I would hope that this would allow you to switch between consoles somehow. Although that is probably quite unlikely.. I'll already be happy if I can save my game somehow so I'm sure it's not completely lost if my console breaks :)
thank goodness I might break my switch if smt happened to my data i'd been working on for awhile
Something similar appeared on the Nintendos German website:
Dieses Spiel unterst?tzt nicht die Speicherdaten-Cloud-Funktion von Nintendo Switch Online. F?r Nintendo Switch Online-Mitglieder wird es jedoch zu einem sp?teren Zeitpunkt die M?glichkeit geben, ihre Speicherdaten aus Animal Crossing: New Horizons im Falle von technischen Problemen, Verlust oder Diebstahl der Konsole ?ber den Server wiederherzustellen.

Die Speicherdaten aus Animal Crossing: New Horizons k?nnen nicht von einer Nintendo Switch-Konsole auf eine andere ?bertragen werden.


It says that it won't support the cloud save feature but for Switch online users it will be possible to get their save data back from the server later on. The transfer of save data between consoles won't be possible.

Sounds pretty set in stone to me, though I'm not sure if the backup feature allows to transfer the data to another Switch based on how it was put and considering it isn't explicitly stated. You never know, it might be possible and sounds stupid to me if it wouldn't be possible but I don't want to make assumptions.
I've been reading everywhere that we definately CAN'T time travel.

They don't have cloud saving to prevent people from manipulating time.

I thought we got past that, and we could still time travel, but everywhere I've looked it up says we can't.

Is this for real?
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This comes straight from the USA EShop. No Translation needed.

This game does not support the Save Data Cloud functionality of Nintendo Switch Online,
However, a limited ability to recover Animal Crossing: New Horizons save data from the server
in the event of system failure, loss or theft will be available to Nintendo Switch Online members
sometime in the future. Check back for more details as they are available

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i’m relieved; i’m careful with my games and consoles but it’s always better to be safe than sorry
I still can't quite understand why people would want to spoil the entire game by time-travelling. It just ruins the immersion totally for me. Still, each to their own.

Someone said it’s impossible to prevent time traveling recently on this board and I can’t remember who for the life of me said this
I still can't quite understand why people would want to spoil the entire game by time-travelling. It just ruins the immersion totally for me. Still, each to their own.

Some people may work odd hours, or have kids, or an illness that prevents them playing, and AC has always given us peace of mind that if we did happen to miss a day, we could always TT back to make sure we didn't lose any villagers.

Reguardless, I don't like waiting for certain things, and I like TT'g to speed certain things up. It is my game, and I should be able to TT, for whatever reason.

I'm not gaining duplicate items or anything.
It's sometimes necessary, and other times it's a personal choice.

Choice, being something we've previously had in AC.
Some people may work odd hours, or have kids, or an illness that prevents them playing, and AC has always given us peace of mind that if we did happen to miss a day, we could always TT back to make sure we didn't lose any villagers.

Reguardless, I don't like waiting for certain things, and I like TT'g to speed certain things up. It is my game, and I should be able to TT, for whatever reason.

I'm not gaining duplicate items or anything.
It's sometimes necessary, and other times it's a personal choice.

Choice, being something we've previously had in AC.

Absolutely, you pay your money and naturally you play the game which ever way you see fit. For me personally, immersion is a big part of what makes Animal Crossing the game it is. By time-traveling, the immersion is compromised and subsequently, dampens the whole experience for me. I wasn't implying you're wrong to time travel just it isn't my cup of tea.
I wasn't really bothered by it too much either way, but this is good. Although I only really use Nintendo Switch Online for MK8D....that, and this now.
"Nope, due to concerns involving ‘time manipulation’ (messing with the system clock to ‘time travel’ for specific items/benefits/events), Nintendo has confirmed that, disappointingly, cloud saves won’t be supported in the game."

I'm guessing time traveling will not be possible! I am happy about that since I don't do time traveling since I feel like it is kind of cheating in my opinion.
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"Nope, due to concerns involving ‘time manipulation’ (messing with the system clock to ‘time travel’ for specific items/benefits/events), Nintendo has confirmed that, disappointingly, cloud saves won’t be supported in the game."

I'm guessing time traveling will not be possible! I am happy about that since I don't do time traveling since I feel like it is kind of cheating in my opinion.

It's always been a part of AC as far as I know, and it isn't cheating.

People have a real need to time travel for reasons I stated in my other post.

In NL, they even gave you a nickname if you TT'd a lot.

It's a part of the game that should be up to the player and not frowned upon by people who are free to play night and day.

I know if I'm sick and can't play I want to be able to TT back a day, and make sure none of my villagers are leaving.

All of these restrictions are quickly making NH not very appealing.