Nintendo : no new hardware will launch this fiscal year

Undocked. I never play docked mode. Purely handheld for me. - It isn't so much that the fan is "loud" from overheating or anything. It sounds more like there is just some general age to the mechanism, and it makes a little rattling sound when it spins too fast. It usually calms down pretty quickly...but games like TotK and Pokemon Violet make it spin pretty quick upon startup.

Yeah okay, that could explain it and I also know what you mean then.
There are 2 occasions when this happened for me: Diablo 3 (I notice the fans after a while in handheld mode) and The Stanley Parable. In The Stanley Parable my fans got so loud and my system ran so hot (docked!), that I actually quit the game and uninstalled in fear for my console.
Given that the cost of living has sky rocketed, I'm not surprised to see their sales not reaching their target. This seems to be the case everywhere. It'll be interesting to see if Nintendo "ditches" the Switch quickly or tries to revive sales.
That, and the cost of supplies has risen, and the chip shortage is still floating around.

I also hope that they drop the paid online and make the online stuff and those emulators free on the next console. Nintendo was the LAST company I expected a paid membership from, but I just hope they drop it soon.
I highly doubt that'd happen. They like money and that's a recurring amount for them.