Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack Discussion Thread

No thanks, that's too much money for things I won't actually own. Even the DLC would be rented? I'd rather actually buy the DLC.
For now, it's far too much. And I'm especially disappointed since I only have Majora's Mask on my Wii and don't have many N64 games. The DLC for ACNH is absolutely pointless for me; why would I rent it and risk losing what I have when I could buy it and just have it forever?

I'm hoping that one day they'll realize how ridiculous this is and add more features to the expansion pack, because let's be real, they're too prideful to have a price drop.
No one should be buying this. I know I'm not one to tell people what to do with their money, but we really shouldn't be supporting this kind of system. SEGA Genesis Classics is $30 at full price to get 50 games to OWN, but it regularly goes on sale for less than that. As for the N64 titles, they should be making these separate purchases we can buy as a virtual console like on the Wii, Wii U and 3DS and not based on a subscription. However, I doubt they will do that as long as they are part of this expansion pass. If you buy Xbox Live 12 months for $60 and buy a month of Game Pass Ultimate for $15, you'll have your membership converted to a total of 13 months of Game Pass Ultimate which includes over 100 titles both new and old. That's not even including the other benefits you already get with it. And everyone on the same console can enjoy those as well. So for $75 you get way more benefits than you would out of the $80 family membership. Now individually, it is $50, but again you barely get any benefits. You can buy the SEGA Genesis Classics game separately as well as the Animal Crossing expansion separately both to own, leaving you only with the N64 titles which right now is not many. The value is not there, please vote with your wallet. I do not want to see everything turned into subscription based, but at least for Game Pass Ultimate you can buy any of the games to own.
as somebody who loves playing retro games and dabbles in nes & snes titles every so often ... i really don't think that $50/yr is worth the price. if they would've included the ability to pick custom themes, special deals, and pick a free game or two every month or so ... i'd think it'd be worth it, but with how miniscule the features are otherwise??? no thanks, lol.
as much I like N64/Genesis games, I don't think it's worth that much. you can easily get genesis games on switch or steam for cheap. that and I'll probably just get the DLC separately anyways.
I'm just happy I am able to upgrade from my current plan to the next plan. I have never played any N64 games so I'm happy to play this.
Huge no.

I'm not happy to be paying for Nintendo Online in the first place as it wasn't [and still isn't] worth the asking price but is basically essential to a small handful of games. It's absolutely dog crap and even at the low cost is robbery. Old tired games on rental, a digital storefront that years later still lacks basic features like a shopping cart and an online service that isn't even a service because most games use P2P connections meaning I'm just being charged to use the internet I'm already paying for. It could cost £.50 for a lifetime pass and would still be far too much.

Now they want to charge on top of that for N64 and Megadrive games as well as rental DLC? I want what they're smoking.

Megadrive games being used as a selling point is just a massive joke on its own. I love Megadrive games, don't get me wrong, but you can buy and own them outright on pretty much every current platform...Including the Switch, where the collection is on sale basically all the time. I literally already own this at least twice (Switch and Steam).

N64 games? Sure, that's a sweet launch lineup. It's also basically close to all the N64 games that are worth playing in general, not even counting licenced games we just won't be seeing on there...Also, why not just port SM64DS, Starfox 643D, OoT3D and Majora's Mask 3D? Not for the N64 crap, just in general. They need to get off the nostalgia train.

And rental DLC? GTFO.

I'm even more against it as for the first time in months (probably 12 of them) I decided "I'm bored on my work break, I kinda want to play Donkey Kong Country" and proceeded to not play DKC because I needed to verify my online...I don't have online at work. Why would I pay even more for this """""service""""" when there's a chance I won't even be able to play the games when I want to?

N64 and Megadrive should have been part of the basic online, then I would have considered the original subscription alright value. This though? They've clearly seen a drop in new subscriptions and needed a way to bleed customers more. I guarantee that we'll not be getting any more """""freebies""""" with the basic subscription, NES/SNES is where that disappointment ends.
Canadian here. I currently have a family plan for my accounts that costs $45 a year. In order to upgrade to the expansion pack and keep all my accounts online I'd need to pay $100. Big nope. I don't believe the official price for the Animal Crossing DLC in Canada has been released yet but I'm guessing it'll be around $30 or so (as it's $25 for the US). So yeah I'd rather do the one time payment of $30ish than a yearly one of $100 that's for sure.
lol no thanks. as nice as it would be to play old n64 games on the switch, i’m not paying $50 a month for it. just buying the dlc and the normal nintendo switch online membership is cheaper and seems like the better option.
I thought it was yearly, not per month?
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I'm planning to get it, I'll just have it upgraded once it officially released on the 25th this month (although HHP doesn't come out until November 5).
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I haven’t decided yet but I think I am leaning toward the family membership with my brother (we would split it). If the original Paper Mario was included as part of the N64 games I’d be like “Nintendo take my money now 😍”.

I’m not 100% crazy about any of those N64 games. Of course I love Super Mario 64, but I already have it as part of Super Mario 3D All Stars. I read that you can play online with the N64 Mario Kart, which is super cool but not enough to make me want to get the membership at this time.
Paper Mario is included.
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Who said anything about renting the DLC? If you download the DLC it’s part of the game, it doesn’t go away if you go back to the base NSO service, or opt out of NSO all together. They’re just incentivizing NH players to upgrade to the expansion plan.

I might do it for a year to try out some N64/Genesis games I’ve never played, then drop back to the base product.

NSO in general is a joke. Idk how they could call it a service, you can’t even message people on your friend list or invite them to games, and most online games don’t support voice chat m, the ones that do usually require the app that no one uses.

If the expansion includes improvements to the “service”, then it might be worth $50. But if it’s just renting old Nintendo games with a drip-feed of new titles every few months, that’s just disrespectful. I’m hoping they just didn’t mention additional features to the expansion, and they’re waiting to reveal more when we near 11/5.
In the subscription-based world we live in where so many things cost around $10/month (USD), $4/month doesn't seem like bad deal in the grand scheme of things, but asking people to pay $50/year when they were only paying $20/year was never going to go over well.

The retro games market can be surprisingly expensive, so if you want to play these specific games, I still think it's a good option. I'm not personally interested in N64 or Genesis games though, so for me it's an easy pass.
Since there has been so much backlash with this expansion recently I decided to give me honest thoughts on it. It hurts me to say this but I am disappointed in Nintendo. I really was looking forward to playing N64 games when they first showed it off in the Nintendo direct last month but what was concerning was the pricing. When the AC Direct was shown and they for some reason decided to announce at the end of the direct it was going to cost $49.99 (if you live in America) per year when you get to the expansion to play N64 games, Sega Genesis games and of course getting the Happy Home Paradise update for free.

I personally feel like its too expensive to even spend that much just to get that many games. I was only wanting the N64 games, I really didn't care much about the Sega Genesis games (No offense to anyone out there who likes them) but I was only wanting the N64 games. They really should give people the option to choose what they want and not have to be forced to buy the expansion pack for things they don't want. I wouldn't mind if the N64 games were separate where you can a reasonable price to just playing only them and ignore Sega Genesis games and of course the Happy Home Paradise DLC for free.

I will still get the Happy Home Paradise Update for $24.99 since its separate and I don't have to worry about renewing my Online Subscription just to use it if I was to get it for free with the Expansion Pack. I am sorry to say I won't get N64 games because I don't want to be forced to get them if I don't care for the Sega games. I really hope Nintendo changes their mind and actually improve on this.
Since there has been so much backlash with this expansion recently I decided to give me honest thoughts on it. It hurts me to say this but I am disappointed in Nintendo. I really was looking forward to playing N64 games when they first showed it off in the Nintendo direct last month but what was concerning was the pricing. When the AC Direct was shown and they for some reason decided to announce at the end of the direct it was going to cost $49.99 (if you live in America) per year when you get to the expansion to play N64 games, Sega Genesis games and of course getting the Happy Home Paradise update for free.

I personally feel like its too expensive to even spend that much just to get that many games. I was only wanting the N64 games, I really didn't care much about the Sega Genesis games (No offense to anyone out there who likes them) but I was only wanting the N64 games. They really should give people the option to choose what they want and not have to be forced to buy the expansion pack for things they don't want. I wouldn't mind if the N64 games were separate where you can a reasonable price to just playing only them and ignore Sega Genesis games and of course the Happy Home Paradise DLC for free.

I will still get the Happy Home Paradise Update for $24.99 since its separate and I don't have to worry about renewing my Online Subscription just to use it if I was to get it for free with the Expansion Pack. I am sorry to say I won't get N64 games because I don't want to be forced to get them if I don't care for the Sega games. I really hope Nintendo changes their mind and actually improve on this.
The only way Nintendo would even consider changing their mind and/or fixing this is for people to not buy it. If people shrug and pay it, even if they don't want to, Nintendo will smile and be like "sweet!"
Personally? I find the price to be way too much. The economy is not the greatest atm and with funds being short for many people, this price is just a bit too much I feel, especially for just a few N64 games upon release. It's a 30 dollar hike with no real purpose imho. They know that they can ride off the hype train from nostalgia. They had me on board at first, ticket and all, but now it seems I'll be missing this trip. No thank you.

I'll just stick with my $20 a year subscription.
With how much demand and excitement this update is receiving, people would spend $100 on the update. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me to see people paying this much. Nintendo is taking advantage because so many people have been asking for this, but to get it, we must pay, even though the game wasn’t finished upon release anyway. It’s just demand, and people will pay insane amounts for this because they want it in the moment. Yeah, part of the update is free content, but that’s not even the gist of it.
My two cents is that Nintendo is free to charge whatever they want for it. But in that right, I have every right to disagree with their choices and to refuse to purchase it.

My biggest issue with it is namely the price in Canada. $64.99 CAD + taxes is outrageous. Sure, its cheaper than PlayStation Plus or the like, but I don't feel like the Expansion Pass gives enough to warrant over doubling the price, just to provide a small handful of emulated games that I have very little interest in and a rented DLC that could be removed at any point in time.

Later on, it may be worth the price. But right now? Definitely not worth it.
With how much demand and excitement this update is receiving, people would spend $100 on the update. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me to see people paying this much. Nintendo is taking advantage because so many people have been asking for this, but to get it, we must pay, even though the game wasn’t finished upon release anyway. It’s just demand, and people will pay insane amounts for this because they want it in the moment. Yeah, part of the update is free content, but that’s not even the gist of it.

I dunno about that. I might've been willing to pay up to $40 for HHP, but $100? That's a no from me. I can buy more than 1 video game for that amount. And I wouldn't of paid anything for the free DLC part, because while I'm extremely happy for it, NH was incomplete on release. The free DLC is making the game complete, and what it should've been back in March 2020.
Nope here as well.

I was interested in maybe playing some of the earlier 3D Zelda games, since BOTW is my first Zelda and one of my favorite games of all time...but that price is too much.

I'll buy the DLC on its own.