Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack Discussion Thread

I also think it is too expensive especially to lose the dlc if you cancel the subscription. I am undecided if I want the dlc, but if I do get it, I would rather pay a fee once and own it. I am not a fan of paying a subscription to own software.
I am not a fan of the retro games but because the price of the dlc plus a years regular membership was only $5 cheaper i did consider the expansion pass. I only planned to keep the expansion pass for one year and once i found out i'd lose the dlc once i cancelled it i went with the stand alone dlc.
At this point, if I see anything from Nintendo that has a "+" in it, it's not worth buying...the only real exception being Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury, I suppose, but I still have the old WiiU hooked up. 50 dollars for an unnecessary online service that still lags and crashes, then an N64 emulator that doesn't even work properly...not my thing. If they add Gamecube games and the original Animal Crossing is on it, they may tempt me, but right now, if I wanted to play Super Mario 64, I'd just pick up Mario All Stars. It's fairly cheap on eBay and it's not YEARLY.
I had originally plans on getting the expansion pack after they announced it but when they showed more details, I decided to go against it. It's not the price worth it for me tbh, even if I would have liked to play some of the N64 games. Besides, I don't really have a need for the Sega games, there are pretty much not interesting for me at all. I may would have gotten it if it were GameCube games along with GameBoy games (but then again only if the games were good).
Well it seems like they just announced that Paper Mario will be included in the expansion pack, does anyone know if you can purchase the game without the membership? I already bought Happy Home Paradise and just renewed my regular membership last month..
So it's been a few months, Nintendo has slowly added more N64/Genesis games to NSO+EP and included the MK8D Booster Course Pass DLC as part of it. I ended up upgrading my NSO subscription to it when it expired, and although it is still expensive imo, I'm happy with it so far. I'm glad to have access to the MK8D DLC since I most likely wouldn't have purchased the DLC by itself, and I've been happy with the N64 emulation, which has definitely been improved over how it was when first released back in October. It's still likely not worth it for some people, but it does continue to feel like it will become more and more worth it, slowly but surely!

In addition, there was this interesting new addition dropped on Friday:

I don't have Splatoon 2, but the fact they are willing to add old DLC (not just new ones) is definitely promising. Hopefully they'll continue to add more old DLC to it, and hopefully the GB/GBC/GBA on NSO rumors end up being true, since I feel like Nintendo would end up putting GBA games exclusively on the NSO+EP level. N64 emulation + GBA emulation + a mix of new and old DLCs is definitely more worthwhile.
My current membership doesn't expire until mid-September, but if they continue to add games/DLC as part of the overall package, I may upgrade when it's time to renew. Additional GBA games would be awesome.

Paying more than double my membership cost for the opportunity to play Majora's Mask and Paper Mario on my Switch doesn't sell it for me right now (already have the HHP DLC and often play Mario Kart with friends that have it.) :p
Honestly I probably won't get it unless they drop the price or add a version that only includes the n64/genesis games for a reduced price with none of the dlcs. I'd rather pay for the dlcs once than essentially purchase them annually. I really would enjoy the n64 games (and maybe genesis but I've never played any of them) but they're not worth the current price imo.