No meteor showers or thunderstorms

If you've seen a shooting star there are likely to be more. I haven't had a thunderstorm yet, but pay attention to Isabelle's announcements to see when meteor showers will be,
Its all RNG, I only had a thunderstorm and meteor shower once, plus a shooting star. Don't worry it'll show up sometime.
I've had a thunderstorm (two days ago) but no meteor showers and haven't noticed any shooting stars either D; hope that changes as I have some recipes and no ingredients!
If you've seen a shooting star there are likely to be more. I haven't had a thunderstorm yet, but pay attention to Isabelle's announcements to see when meteor showers will be,
I saw one shooting star last night when I was digging for fish bait, and despite hanging around another 2 hours and hoping for more, I didn't see any. I figured the rare change of a shooting star was maybe different from an actual meteor shower.

I'm still waiting for my first meteor shower too, but I started my file over on April 14, so I haven't been waiting quite as long as the topic creator, but still...
Blix: We've never gotten a meteor shower or a shooting star and we've been playing since two days after launch, we've gotten Celeste a couple times though! But we can't do anything with the diy recipes she gives >.<
I time travel and have had quite a few meteor showers.. I thought it was the same dates for everyone, guess not!
I've also had rain, but I don't think I've had any thunderstorms.
I never had an actual meteor shower, and only saw 1 pair of shooting stars until a few days ago. I had to ask a friend if he had any aries star fragments. :-:
I had a night with around 20 stars recently though. It's probably total RNG

I don't remember if I ever saw a thunderstorm. It rained a decent amount for me.
Meteor showers happen at different times during the night. They wont happen all night long (or at least not usually). Celeste was in my town last night, but I didn't have any falling stars until a couple of hours later, and not many then. My daughter had a night a week or so ago when they were almost constant, for a long time. She got over 100! (can't get that many star fragments, but she finished the achievement) It just really varies. I think it's possible they will happen at some really late time, like 2 am. (well, that's really late for me)
I had my first meteor shower happen last night playing after midnight! Got a bunch of star fragments finally 😊👍 weirdly nobody announced it and Celeste wasn’t around.

I assume 8 star fragments counts as a meteor shower? Or I was just lucky🤔