🌳🌙『 Non-hacked Dream Towns 』🌙🌳


Added a bunch of Dream Towns that you guys suggested (whether from your own or from other sources). Also decided to add mine to the list since they?re all non-hacked!

Don?t be shy to suggest your own town if it?s not hacked!

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What did you think of my town?

I don't have a percent sense of completion for my town, but I guess hold it off from the list until my new orchard grows, I pick up trash and I find a nice starry night or pretty morning : )
What did you think of my town?

I don't have a percent sense of completion for my town, but I guess hold it off from the list until my new orchard grows, I pick up trash and I find a nice starry night or pretty morning : )

I really enjoyed the colors you have going for it. I could tell there were a few spot you were plotting for different things. I love the starry sky for your town; the darkness/moonlight against the vibrant colors and light QR code path blends well together! Your placements looked good too. :>

I’ll also put your DA under a little WIP section!
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You can add my Dream of Bluedale to the list. It is 4B00-0051-BEE1

It's a completed dream town, filled with tons of blue roses and nice path patterns I designed myself.
You can add my Dream of Bluedale to the list. It is 4B00-0051-BEE1

It's a completed dream town, filled with tons of blue roses and nice path patterns I designed myself.

Bluedale is an awesome town! Highly recommended!!
You can add my Dream of Bluedale to the list. It is 4B00-0051-BEE1

It's a completed dream town, filled with tons of blue roses and nice path patterns I designed myself.

Alrighty, I’ll go ahead and add it! Thank you, Lanstar. C:

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Bluedale is an awesome town! Highly recommended!!

Aw, so sweet! I’ll check Lanstar’s Bluedale out tonight. <3
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this thread is so lovely! i will be sure to try and visit all of these towns. personally i dont mind if a town is hacked or not but its nice to know that these towns have been built purely on hard work and dedication
My dream town is 0% hacked. So go ahead and take a stroll in it. You won’t regret dreaming my town.

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You can find the dream address in my signature.
this thread is so lovely! i will be sure to try and visit all of these towns. personally i dont mind if a town is hacked or not but its nice to know that these towns have been built purely on hard work and dedication

Thanks so much, Lolita! I feel the same way, which is why I even started this thread, haha. It can be difficult to find non-hacked towns amongst all the beautifully-built hacked towns. So, I’m glad this could help others and bring to light some of our members’ hard work. C:

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My dream town is 0% hacked. So go ahead and take a stroll in it. You won’t regret dreaming my town.

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You can find the dream address in my signature.

Awesome! Thanks for sharing, Anthony! I’ll add the DA right now and check out your lovely town sometime today. :>
Oh wow! I am so happy to see this thread. I always felt ‘not good enough’ compared to hacked DAs. That’s no shade towards them - I love the inspiration and creativity they have. It just felt like I could never create something as nice as theirs, you know? It’s so refreshing to see other people’s stuff that wasn’t hacked hehe
My town is complete and non hacked if you wanna check it out. Link is in my signature!

Hey, dizzy! I actually already have your DA on the list of towns to visit! It’s one of my top favorite towns!

I think I VMed you awhiiiile back telling you I really enjoyed it, hehe. <3

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Oh wow! I am so happy to see this thread. I always felt ‘not good enough’ compared to hacked DAs. That’s no shade towards them - I love the inspiration and creativity they have. It just felt like I could never create something as nice as theirs, you know? It’s so refreshing to see other people’s stuff that wasn’t hacked hehe

I feel the same exact way! I would work so hard on my towns trying to get the exact bush/tree placement and it just wouldn’t look as good because some would die. I had to make due with mix and matching placements until I was satisfied. Hacked towns don’t have to worry about that, so they can get that perfect look and placement.

This thread will hopefully help and show how some have achieved very natural or well-placed bushes, trees, flowers, or PWPs without the need for hacking. Yay for inspiration~
( ^∀^)
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Aww Morino, it’s great to know I wasn’t alone hahah. I was CRUSHED when I learned about the finicky/limited shrub placements because I have a flower arch going into a fountain and pathed area, and I got hit with the bush limit...yikes. I still haven’t recovered from that hahaha

Thanks for this thread, though, I’m sure I can fix my town in some degree eventually :S Those stupid rocks, though!
Aww Morino, it’s great to know I wasn’t alone hahah. I was CRUSHED when I learned about the finicky/limited shrub placements because I have a flower arch going into a fountain and pathed area, and I got hit with the bush limit...yikes. I still haven’t recovered from that hahaha

Thanks for this thread, though, I’m sure I can fix my town in some degree eventually :S Those stupid rocks, though!

You’re so welcome! I have a lot of the same experiences as you. Dx

We shall prevail from the dastardly deeds of the bush limits and small militia of rock fiends, haha.
( ̄▽ ̄)
Hey, dizzy! I actually already have your DA on the list of towns to visit! It’s one of my top favorite towns!

I think I VMed you awhiiiile back telling you I really enjoyed it, hehe. <3

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( ^∀^)

Ahhh right <3 thanks so much again. ^o^