🌳🌙『 Non-hacked Dream Towns 』🌙🌳

Can someone give me feedback on Duskfall if they get a chance? I'm always looking for thoughts and opinions.

Hey Chip, I finally got the chance to look into reviewing your town, but I noticed an odd issue. When I inputted your Dream Address, the town was named "Tree" instead of "Duskfall" and the town had path patterns that looked like a bunch of small trees. Also the human players in the town are named Chip and Kevin if this helps identify the town better. Before I look into this town more and give a complete review, I was just wanting to confirm that it was your town and not some weird quirk with the Dream Town database on Nintendo's part. :) Is this the correct town and can anyone else confirm they are seeing this too and not just me?
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Hey Chip, I finally got the chance to look into reviewing your town, but I noticed an odd issue. When I inputted your Dream Address, the town was named "Tree" instead of "Duskfall" and the town had path patterns that looked like a bunch of small trees. Also the human players in the town are named Chip and Kevin if this helps identify the town better. Before I look into this town more and give a complete review, I was just wanting to confirm that it was your town and not some weird quirk with the Dream Town database on Nintendo's part. :) Is this the correct town and can anyone else confirm they are seeing this too and not just me?

That's my old town that I have since deleted. Were you putting in 5F00-00EC-1F50 as the DA?
That's my old town that I have since deleted. Were you putting in 5F00-00EC-1F50 as the DA?

Oh, ok! I was using the one on your profile page: 4E00-0040-8B37 (I recommend updating it to your newest one). I’ll try the other one later today. :)
After doing some digging after realizing I have seen your town and made a review of it before, here's the review I made for you below in a thread months back:

Me said:
After looking at your town, I do have some ideas that can improve your town. This is constructive feedback based upon my opinion alone so please bear that in mind. Everyone has a different taste on what makes a town look good.

Path System
You are doing really well by having a path system established (a very crucial step!), but I feel like it is a bit "blocky" which makes the paths lack flow (especially during running). This can be resolved by introducing more "roundness" in turns and intersections. I also noticed 2-wide dead-ends in certain areas in town. Even though they all went to a destination (always try to avoid dead ends that lead to nowhere), I personally would recommend making them single wide and possibly make them curve towards their destination to help "stage the scene" (I recommend this only for Player, Villager houses, and more important buildings like the Cafe & Police Station). Lastly, when it comes to the pattern used for the paths, I think you are on to a neat idea! I would highly recommend revising the pattern to make it have a clean tile with adjacent patterns and possibly make the path have a more tiled or brick look. :)

Bridge Placement

Nicely done! I especially love how you put a bridge close to the waterfall (a Japanese style bridge would look really cool there with bamboo and regular oak trees for cherry blossoms)! :D


Like you requested in this thread, your primary reason for seeking opinions is for the landscaping. Before I can give further advice on how to go about your landscaping, is there a particular theme or atmosphere you are seeking for your town? Outside of developing a path system, coming up with a town theme/atmosphere can be quite a challenge since it will determine how to design the landscaping of the town and PWPs. I will say though that you are already doing something smart by placing bushes along pathways to act as "guard rails" and to help with path retention (if you were planning on going towards natural dirt paths). Additionally, I noticed that there is a lot of fruit on the ground, is there a reason for it?

I look forward to hearing more about your vision for the town soon so I can help with landscaping ideas! If you want any help with path system or landscaping design in-game, feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll be glad to help you out! :) If you want to visit my town for inspiration, my Dream Address is: 4F00-00F6-46CA . :)

Based upon the past review plus what I am seeing today, here's my review (which skips certain things that I feel is unnecessary to mention again). Please bear in mind that this is honest, critical feedback that is made to improve your town in my personal opinion (it is ok if you have different taste and feel free to explain why you chose specific approaches on things I remark in this review reading it):

~ Path System:

Based upon the last review, you definitely improved the path design over the previous version (which was a purple star tile if I remember correctly). :) I will say though that your path system (the network of paths) still is "blocky" like last time with odd 2-wide dead ends infront of destination instead of "staging" them with single-wide paths (like I described last time). In my personal opinion, "blocky" paths feel choppy when you run on them and just look off with certain design choices on the path appearance ("blocky" paths really only work if you have really good designs tailored for "blocky" path systems [like brick patterns with defined borders]). In my opinion, with the way you have your town is at the moment with how everything is placed, I feel like Curved/Flowing paths would optimize your town's space and give you more flexibility along with the nice free-flow while running on them. Curved/Flowing paths typically work best with a pattern & lucky clover combo appearance (like my town) or natural dirt paths with possible stuff put on them. If you feel very happy with what you have though and are not interested in too much change (like doing a complete reconstruction), I recommend chopping off just the outer corner tiles on your paths (to make them look curved) and try to "stage" villager houses.

~ Landscaping

After reviewing the landscaping, it appears that it does need work, but you are on track by having some structure to it. :) My biggest comment is that you definitely need more flowers throughout the town to add color to the town (right now, it is mostly green). When you do the flowers, I highly recommend using as many colors as possible and try to avoid using too many of the same color in a given area (unless you do a pattern). Additionally, I recommend adding more bushes throughout the town in a way to balance out the amount of linear bush structures. For example, you could add some to your bush walls to roughen them up a bit or add bush clusters in the more open areas on town. I feel like after you do those 2 things, I will be able to help you with more specific details on how to polish areas. :)

I hope you find this review very helpful and feel free to ask questions about it! :D
Town name: Paradise
Mayor name: rianne
Dream address: 4F00-00C1-3DB5

Just updated while it's raining. Enjoy. c:
☾ Aeternia ☾ 5A00-0117-FC1C ☾ Margie ☾

- Feedback is optional, but greatly appreciated. That is if anyone plans to visit my dream address. :]
DA is 6B00-00EA-61DD
It doesn't look its best rn unfortunately, since I saved it in autumn. But still, all visitors and feedback welcome

edit: address is temporarily deleted til I sort some stuff out
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DA is 6B00-00EA-61DD
It doesn't look its best rn unfortunately, since I saved it in autumn. But still, all visitors and feedback welcome

☾ Aeternia ☾ 5A00-0117-FC1C ☾ Margie ☾

- Feedback is optional, but greatly appreciated. That is if anyone plans to visit my dream address. :]

When I am more free this weekend, I will try to look into both of your towns! :)
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☾ Aeternia ☾ 5A00-0117-FC1C ☾ Margie ☾

- Feedback is optional, but greatly appreciated. That is if anyone plans to visit my dream address. :]

Yay, thanks for your submission, Ryu! I’ll add it later this weekend (maybe sooner)! <3

- - - Post Merge - - -

DA is 6B00-00EA-61DD
It doesn't look its best rn unfortunately, since I saved it in autumn. But still, all visitors and feedback welcome

Hey! Autumn is the best season ;>. Haha, I’ll add it to the list sometime this weekend! I’ll try to give feedback if I’m not busy as well.
When I am more free this weekend, I will try to look into both of your towns! :)
Yay, thanks for your submission, Ryu! I?ll add it later this weekend (maybe sooner)! <3
Just to let you both know... I updated my dream address. Had an unfortunate incident in my town, so I had to redo a bit of the town landscaping. Received an unexpected villager from the void and it took a long while to get them to move out.
Just to let you both know... I updated my dream address. Had an unfortunate incident in my town, so I had to redo a bit of the town landscaping. Received an unexpected villager from the void and it took a long while to get the to move out.

Oh, man. I hate that :[. It’s happened to me a few times. It’s all good though, I haven’t visited yet. :>
Hello, Animal Crossing friends!

It’s been awhile, but I have updated the Dream Address list with a few new towns to visit. So sorry to Euphy, Ryumia, and especially Rianne (I didn’t notice your post before the other users!) for taking so long to add your beautiful towns. There have been massive fires in California (some of the worst in the history of the state), so my college classes have been cancelled and assignments re-arranged for this week. Thankfully, my family and friends are okay; but the air quality has been very, very unhealthy.

To Ryumia:
I thought your town was so ethereal and tranquil, and the organization of the paths shows your attention to detail. The colors were perfect and matched the atmosphere of the setting you’re going for throughout each space. I don’t really have any constructive feedback to give; it was such a lovely town and I enjoyed visiting some of the houses as well.

To Euphy:
Even though you do not care for the autumn season of your town, the colors matched it so well! I popped into some of the houses and had a great time looking at all the cute furniture. The only thing I noticed was that the Picnic Blanket area was a little lackluster (maybe add a bit more items/flowers?). Overall, nicely done!

To Rianne:
It was so interesting to see your combination of fairytale projects and the autumn weather in your town. Those normally aren’t put together, but I liked that you did something a little different. A lot of the town is very open, which made it easy to navigate; although I’d love to see more projects/trees in some of the more open spaces. The brick paths were a great choice too! Very fun to look at the girly accents in your houses.

Please keep California in your thoughts and prayers. I also hope that if you are in California, that you and your family are safe as well. Have a good rest of the day (or night).
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Thank you for the feedback; I've been working on my town as best as I can despite some IRL setbacks and do agree with your findings. c: I hope to be more impactful with my design choices once I move out some villagers. Until then, I'll be adding more trees and flowers.
Thank you for the feedback; I've been working on my town as best as I can despite some IRL setbacks and do agree with your findings. c: I hope to be more impactful with my design choices once I move out some villagers. Until then, I'll be adding more trees and flowers.

That’s great! I’m glad my feedback was helpful to you :>. I hope everything goes well with the town landscaping and your real-life setbacks turn into blessings. c:
Since my town is indexed here, the grass has changed recently, and I have done numerous tweaks, I just wanted to announce that I have updated my Dream Address! :D With this latest update, it occurs during the middle of the day to make the autumn colors pop (the deep red the fruit trees have is absolutely gorgeous!) and I have added lots of new hybrids in certain areas to add more color to certain regions of town. :) Additionally, I have finally added bell trees to my town since I finally found an appropriate place to use them and plus I want to have all possible living plants in the game in my town! The Ancient Ruins region of my town is the only place you can find them (to make the area seem more magical and mysterious) and will be the only place in the entire Tropical Region to get cherry blossoms on the spring since bell trees are the only "fruit" tree that gets cherry blossoms due to them becoming regular trees after being shaken (another way to make the area seem more magical/mysterious)! I hope y'all enjoy this new update and I look forward to any feedback y'all may have! :D

@Ryumia and Euphy: I apologize for not having the chance to give constructive feedback on your towns just yet, I only recently got a break from university work. :/ I hope to leave constructive feedback for y'all in the next couple of days or so! :)
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Since I made some significant updates in my basement recently to get ready for a huge giveaway I'm organizing in the near future, I made another quick update to my Dream Address for anyone who wants to check it out! I look forward to hearing any feedback y'all may have! :D
☾ Aeternia ☾ 5A00-0117-FC1C ☾ Margie ☾

- Feedback is optional, but greatly appreciated. That is if anyone plans to visit my dream address. :]

I visited Aeternia last night and it was beautiful. I love your color scheme...blue and purple are my two favorite colors and it gave a very peaceful, tranquil feeling to the entire town, especially with the evening setting.

Your houses were very well designed. I loved the way you used screens and dividers to create different sections within a single room.

Your paths were also very nicely done. The warm brick worked well with the bridges and seemed to deepen the color of your flowers and bring out the warmth in them as well. I liked the placement of your pwps and the little areas of trees and bushes between paths. The streetlamps scattered throughout your town were also a nice touch.

The only thing I questioned was in a few places in the northern part of town your path seemed to go up to the train tracks and end there for no reason, like near Retail. It's not really a negative. I just wasn't sure of the purpose.

But all in all, it's a lovely town that you should be very proud of! :D