Thanks for visiting my dream town and giving some feedback on it.
I am glad that you liked visiting the houses. Spent a lot of dedication towards how I wanted them to look. Both inside and out. Though... I did struggle a lot with wallpapers and flooring when I first started out.
I'm not exactly sure how to
refine the path system... :T I'm still completely new to landscaping. Glad that I have one place that I can start off with. The rock area that's next to the cafe and the police station. I had this idea to get rid of some pathways that's near the train station. Like getting rid of the middle section and just keep the side ones then put some greenery stuff in the middle area.
When it comes to the beaches... I prefer to leave them plain and just decorate them with shells instead. Though I need to fix the other beach area that contains the same shell shape since I kind of forgot to do that. I think adding coconut or banana trees in my beaches seem kind of weird to me in general. But... I appreciate the input on them.
With the flowers... I'm not sure if I want to add any additional flowers due to how difficult and how long it took to breed the Blue Violets. As well as not wanting that many additional other flowers to use. At best... I would only take one other blue flower and one other purple flower. Though... I'm not sure what flowers to use that could compliment both the blue violets and purple pansies.
Overall, I found the feedback to be very helpful since you discussed what I wasn't good at all. Landscaping. The most difficult part that I struggled with for my town. Though... I expected this due to it being the first time that I attempted to try and landscape a town instead of restarting after receiving a perfect town status.
You are absolutely welcome Ryumia, I am glad you found it helpful!

If you ever want to have in-game pointers/input, feel free to let me know because I love helping others with landscaping and path systems!

Before I giving any additional tips on here, I want you to know up front that you are not a bad landscaper, you are an aspiring landscaper (you actually show effort and thought in your landscaping which is why I see you as aspiring).
For the path system refining, it is best to think about what is the purpose of each one and where each one is going before deciding what to keep/cut. Sometimes it requires complete re-routing for paths to make sense while optimizing space at the same time (for example, instead of having a separate fishing path and main path paralleling each other, try to converge them at certain points along the river to maximize the utility and space of the path system). Path systems definitely can be a puzzle creatingmodifying (especially in already-developed towns), but it is totally worth it and can breath fresh air into a town.
That makes sense, I figured there was a reason behind the beach's design. Have you thought about adding flowers to the beach to add color? If you do, I find that cosmos look the best on the beach (just spreading them out [have 1-3 spaces between each one randomly] along the cliff single-deep would make a huge difference).
I can understand the struggle especially if you don't want to buy hybrids on TBT. o/ When it comes to which flowers, I would definitely recommend the 2 I mentioned earlier (blue pansy and purple tulip) due to their bold colors and the many great combinations you can make along side your other 2 flowers.
*throws hat in ring*
I would like some feedback on my dream of Moriyo, DA 4C00-00D6-FECB, mostly constructive criticism. While the reviews I have gotten on Moriyo have been positive (both on here and tumblr) I feel I need an outsiders view to give me some tips. The dream was recently update a while ago, I plan on having updating the dream again once Moriyo hits glorious fall.
The town is a magical themed forest, the main flower colors are supposed to be bold pink, yellow, white and purple, but not all the areas have been fully landscaped yet, nor are the other 3 alts houses done. This town is almost complete, I'd say it's 70% of the way there in terms of houses and landscaping. Dreamies & Villagers are a whole other story!
Hey Stella, I saw your post and just visited your town to provide constructive feedback!

After visiting your town, I want to say that your town has a ton of potential!

To start, even though I could tell there was WIP going on at your houses/interior decorating, I can say that your interior decorating skills are superb and creative! Additionally, I can tell you are being creative with your town overall.

Since the town is a WIP, I won't give it a rating just yet, but I will still be providing constructive feedback so you have a good map to work with to reach a complete town. Once you have reached a stage of completion of your town, I would be glad to review your town again for the fine details.

Here are my suggestions along with the good aspects of each given point:
- Path System:
For the paths that I can tell are finished, I absolutely the design choice of ancient road-like appearance!

I definitely would recommend using the same approach throughout all of town. If anything, I recommend maybe adding a bit more patterns and clovers to make the paths more permanent in case the grass fully grows back for some reason. o/ You also used the geography to your advantage, utilized curves in your paths, and made sure all paths lead somewhere/had purpose which are all bonus points in my book!

If you introduce that approach throughout all of your town, introduced paths for fishing, and optimized your space, I think you will have a excellent path system!
- Bridge Placement:
I would say the placement of your bridges are all good since I recognized that you purposely isolated one of the Player houses for a reason (Kasumi).
- Landscaping:
When it comes to your landscaping, I will definitely say that I can tell that you are putting a lot of thought into your landscaping, especially when it comes to mixing up colors and flower types in a harmonious way.

As for suggestions, I would recommend adding bush clusters in green spaces amongst the trees, adding mushrooms (randomly using all types except rare) next to trees randomly to add more color and substance throughout the town, add flowers randomly as well in the green spaces that lack flowers, and roughen bushes already planted by incorporating some with these clusters I mentioned earlier. As for the beach, I assume that is your hybrid growing field so I assume it is only temporary. When you decide to clear off the beach and put a lot of those hybrids in storage, I highly recommend spreading out cosmos of all colors along the cliff single-deep.

The only other thing I was wondering was why there were green patterns everywhere? If you plan on covering all the open grass with patterns, I highly recommend using a pattern that looks more like the grass to help it blend better. If it's there to only help with plot resetting, that makes total sense! Overall, I feel you definitely got a good foundation to work with and all you can do improve it to make your town blow other places out of the water!
I hope you find my feedback very helpful and feel free to ask me if you need any in-game pointers/suggestions for more precise detail because I would love to see your town reach its complete potential!

Also feel free to use my dream town as inspiration since part of my town's theme is nature and I also feel it will give good pointers on how to do the bushes in your town.