NOSE OFF: Square, Oval or Triangle?

Which nose shape?

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I love the oval! It's just so cute and more 'natural' looking to me. Though the triangle does have nostalgia vibes for sure!
I'm going with the oval, but I love how split this is!

I love when the character customization really makes everyone look different. I hate when you walk into a room online and almost everyone picked the same choice as you (usually because all the other options sucked)

I was a little worried about everyone looking the same now that the personality quiz doesn't determine looks, but this whole thread made me hopeful!
I'll definitely be picking either an oval or a square nose! I love the triangle noses, don't get me wrong, but I just want something different and that's what this game is all about it seems, so I'm really excited to make my character!! :'D
I'm going with triangle. It's the only shape that resembles a nose.
Square for sure it's so cute
Had to pick square. Most people seem to like the new round one, and I admit it's probably cutest. Next most popular is triangle cuz of nostalgia. Also a good choice.

But I think I have to go with square simply cuz it's the least-picked.
I voted for the triangular nose, but now that I look at the oval nose I regret my choice. I like the oval nose a lot more and my second choice would be the square nose. No nose is weird, but maybe I'll end up liking it, too.
Oval for me! I've always hated the triangle nose (although admittedly I rarely notice it). So I'm really happy we now have a nose that's cuter!
the oval nose is so cute so i?ll definitely be going with that one!!
Since my avatar is basically an extension of myself, I have to go with the triangle. My nose is definitely pointy and triangular shaped. It just fits what I look like really well.

But I?m really glad they?ve added new nose options. They also added mouth options. I?m curious to see what those are, cause I think they might offer something that will fit me better than the default smile of past games. But I?m glad to see new options for faces beyond eyes and hair.

Now body-types seems to be the biggest omission in terms of options. I?m definitely a bit thinner than the Villager avatar is. It would be nice for people to have larger options too.
i'm sooo happy they added new noses! i've never really thought about it- but it's still really cool :)

personally, i would choose the oval nose. it isn't really as 'traditional' as the triangle nose, but i think it looks a bit better. plus, change it always super fun!
I voted oval! It speaks to me the most :)

Although now that I'm reading people's reasons for staying with the OG triangle nose.. I'm not sure. Hopefully we'll be able to play around a little with how our character looks so I'll decide then! Oval or triangle it is.