Horus said:
TheSilverSkeeter said:
Horus said:
TheSilverSkeeter said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
i understand why you don't want them to be sold on TBT but it is the buyers choice, all the people selling the sabers and blue pkmn hats do warn you about what will happen, and if the buyer ruins their game it's their fault (unless the hacked item does destroy your game/wii in another way that the seller doesn't warn you about)
But if they cold harm your game , and people are selling them saying "Oh nooo, these are safe! Pinky Swear!"
It's not right.
If we cannot discuss hacking on this forum, then we cannot sell hacked items, plain and simple.
If someone really wants one, they can go to ACC
i didn't know it "cold" hurt my game, but like i've said for the filth time if the people buying know that it's hacked they should know it can harm your game
wow... way to be a rooster...
and you're not even listening to me...
some people DON'T know...
and some people are saying that they can't harm your game...
They definitely should NOT be sold, bought, or traded on TBT