November Update Speculation thread

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I don't think it's necessary to be alarmed about the lack of a trailer today and that is definitely not a reason to say cooking won't be implemented. You know for sure that the update will most likely drop on the 23rd or 24th with the trailer coming sooner this week. Halloween was sort of an introduction to farming but everyone is used to how that works now, there's no reason to ease people into it again and maybe the ingredients could be obtained in other ways. Of course, it makes the most sense for cooking to drop with Thanksgiving, when else would it be? I know we are all anxious for a big update, so let's hope we get the trailer to get us hype enough soon! I assume it won't be dropping until Thursday (though I would definitely not complain if it did sooner!)
It is possible that the veggies itself (the produce, not the starts) can be bought. This removes the need to farm ahead of time.
I thought we would have the trailer AND update by now also and I'm getting anxious about it and especially the possibility of not having new things to grow. I would definitely be disappointed if farming new veggies and cooking wasn't a thing this update. I'm seriously holding out hope for fertilizer that speeds up the growth of our new veggies. This is going to be the shortest amount of time we have to prep for an event, isn't it?
I have a feeling crops will be something we can buy from Leif and/or sold in Nook's Cranny, like the pumpkins. I don't think we will have to grow them for the Harvest Festival. We will get what we need for that event from villagers. That is just what I think will happen, I could totally be wrong 😅
Probably gonna be farming, cooking, and material gathering based... but contrary to the popular opinion here, I actually don’t want that in game. I feel like it would make AC even more similar to the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons series. While those games are great, they’re both distinctly different series that I think need to stay separate.

That being said, I’d be happy to see Brewster make a return. As someone who has an overly crowded island, I don’t know if I’d be able to fit a new building on the island— maybe as another side room in the museum, like in previous games? A downstairs room maybe?

I hope the Christmas event is similar to the previous games, it’s always fun and feels so special to figure out exactly what each villager wants throughout the month. If the event was like NL’s Toy Day with extra additions (maybe more tasks to do during the day, before present-delivery time?), that would be great.
I thought we would have the trailer by now . Even if we get the trailer tomorrow we probably won’t see the actual update until the 23rd. That means not enough time to prep for harvest festival. I think if we do get cooking we will get all ingredients from villagers. Not having at least the trailer makes me think harvest festival won’t be that big of an event. That they will focus more on toy day.
Honestly, the event will be similar to New Leaf's and will all be condensed in a day. With perhaps the addition of crops being able to be bought from Nooks. If there are more crops that is this update.
i really hope in the new update they give us an upgrade for nooks cranny, its so small at the moment, so i would love for it to get bigger and see more furniture (possibly the roost, leif or gracie grace can get incoprorated into an expansion?)
I hope this new update will include more veggies to farm and the ability to cook different foods. I wonder if it will include a harvest festival event, that would be nice. 😊
Probably gonna be farming, cooking, and material gathering based... but contrary to the popular opinion here, I actually don’t want that in game. I feel like it would make AC even more similar to the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons series. While those games are great, they’re both distinctly different series that I think need to stay separate.
If they want me to farm in this game they need to speed up the time it takes my character to do anything by x5. Just watering takes up 5 seconds too much of time.
i really hope in the new update they give us an upgrade for nooks cranny, its so small at the moment, so i would love for it to get bigger and see more furniture (possibly the roost, leif or gracie grace can get incoprorated into an expansion?)
That probably won't be seen until March, possible for a 1 year anniversary island update or something. Earliest January for like a New Year's Resolutions update or something.
I'm really looking forward to more vegetables so my little farm areas can have more than just pumpkins, and can't wait for some food items to add to my restaurants, food stalls, and houses! some new thanksgiving or food related furniture would be great too and I'm sure we'll get a new table setting with the next 2 events.
I imagine we'll see information on the update any time this week.
That probably won't be seen until March, possible for a 1 year anniversary island update or something. Earliest January for like a New Year's Resolutions update or something.
im pretty chill with that, im just hoping it happens at some point. Currently i dont really go into nooks cranny cos there really isnt even that much there, so im hoping by the end of next year it will expand
Im 100% sure the next update after this one is gonna be mid/late january for festivale event and maybe something else added with it.
Im 100% sure the next update after this one is gonna be mid/late january for festivale event and maybe something else added with it.
This honestly is when I think Brewster will return. Toy Day and Harvest festival are big holidays in AC and there is probably a lot going into this update. Why not add Brewster when there is a lull in holidays but it is still cold outside. Brewster will be a very welcome addition to AC NH when he finally arrives but I personally don't think we will see him in this update.
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