November Update Speculation thread

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I hope we get cooking because it would probably mean permanent food furniture and we could always use more of those.

And of course The Roost has been something I wanted since day 1. Especially since Brewster collected gyroids in City Folk so he might also bring those back.
Hopefully they incorporate a cooking mechanic in NH. The game has to evolve into something different from the previous titles and being able to cook would also be heaps of fun and increase the number of activities you can do so you don't get bored.
this is my first update I'm live playing for (didn't get the game until after halloween had been released) and I'm getting twitchy with anticipation
Hopefully they incorporate a cooking mechanic in NH. The game has to evolve into something different from the previous titles and being able to cook would also be heaps of fun and increase the number of activities you can do so you don't get bored.

According to datamines, it heavily hints at cooking being added and it would make the most sense to add it for an Animal Crossing holiday practically revolving around food.
Im super hopeful for everything said.

But I feel brewsters a bit much to add along side both events - but I think he will be added sometime next year.

This is coming from nowhere other than my own personal hopes for updates: being able to have a choice of the outsides of buildings. A bit like in new leaf where you could chooss between the two police stations, type of town halls + stations. So we'd add the cafe and then be able to upgrade its exterior into something fitting our towns theme. Along with being able to do this with other buildings too? Idk it doesn't sit with me right only having 1 upgrade of nook crannies when the rest of the games had, what? At least 3 or 4?

Also just wanted to add, even if its a later update compared to the halloween event, if i remember correctly, in new leaf and lets go to the city I think all of the harvest day events happened on one day, and In new leaf you collected ingredients from the villagers on the day with no preparation before.(i think) Perhaps different crops will take different amounts of times to grow and maybe some will only take a few hours? Or we will have enough time to maybe grow a small amount of the new crops but we can still participate in harvest if we even had none because we can ask villagers just like on halloween with candy? So the harvest will more be an introduction to cooking + new crops?
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Im super hopeful for everything said.

But I feel brewsters a bit much to add along side both events - but I think he will be added sometime next year.

This is coming from nowhere other than my own personal hopes for updates: being able to have a choice of the outsides of buildings. A bit like in new leaf where you could chooss between the two police stations, type of town halls + stations. So we'd add the cafe and then be able to upgrade its exterior into something fitting our towns theme. Along with being able to do this with other buildings too? Idk it doesn't sit with me right only having 1 upgrade of nook crannies when the rest of the games had, what? At least 3 or 4?

Yeah. If a form of cooking is being added this coming update, adding Brewster in as well would be far too much content at once. To be honest, while it would be welcomed, it might be a bit overwhelming.

I think adding Brewster in very early next year, along with maybe a shop upgrade as well would be good to start off the new year, since there's no need to add a Valentine's Day update or anything, though there would be Festivale in... February, I think?

Kinda like an "upgrades galore!" update. Bit on the smaller side, but it would add a ton of stuff still. Having a shop upgrade to go with Brewster would also be a great time for them to add a few missing furniture sets in to be sold, as well.
Compared to other updates, the Earth Day update contained the biggest stuff bringing back several characters and features: Leif, Redd, Rover, Reese & Cyrus, shrubs, art, and 4 events.

Summer Wave 1 Update gave us Pascal, Gullivarrr, and diving.
Summer Wave 2 Update gave us Luna, Dream Islands, fireworks, and save data backup.
The Fall Update gave us Jack, pumpkins and halloween.

So I think it's still somewhat reasonable to ask for Brewster and gyroids.

I see cooking implemented the same way as crafting, except with food. I'm looking at the coconut juice as my basis.
The mechanic for farming is already in place so they can easily add veggies. Besides, it technically works like the flowers anyway.
Harvest Festival and Toy Day are single-day events (assuming), and I think we need a feature that can be used all-year round. That's where I think the cafe and gyroids, aside from cooking, may come into place.
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I don't think adding Brewster to the update would be too overwhelming. Aren't we all asking for more content and isn't it a popular opinion that the game is barebones still anyways? I think it would be appropriate to drop a big update, especially since we're entering the holidays season and Nintendo is going to want to bring something attractive enough to drive new players in. Brewster might just be their goose who lays golden eggs and might be why they're holding him back for this update.

The Halloween and Summer updates, while good, were quite short and not enough imo (just the holiday and a set, that's all). we still need a lot of missing furniture and features and at this ratio I'm not sure we would get it all. However, I also understand that during those months we had the covid situation, so we never know what might come next! I still believe we won't be seeing the juicy content till the holidays are out of the way.
I hope so, cooking would definitely bring something new and interesting NH. 😚

I personally think they'll just bring back a few food items from past games, based on their previous updates, so my expectations are very low, but I would be really blown away if Nintendo actually adds from your predictions.
definitely looking forward to the next update :) I'd love for them to include new crops to grow and a cooking feature and to bring back brewster, but we shall see what's in store for us!
I'm going to say we will get:

Harvest Day Event
Harvest Series DIYs
New Vegetables to grow for Harvest Day

Maybe, I mean maybe, Cooking DIYS

I wouldn't say The Roost or Gyroids will be in yet, since that'd make for a bigger update then I think they are planning for. I can see that coming in the new year.

After that we possibly will be told to wait mid-late December for the Jingle/Toy Day Update
Here’s the most likely things in my opinion.

Cooking is a neat idea, and I really, really hope they add it, but I think it’ll be far more likely that they’ll add:

More produce to plant. They gave us pumpkins to plant. I think that they’ll give us more things to plant for thanksgiving/Christmas.

More furniture + DIYs is a pretty obvious guess to me.

Since they’ve added more characters every update (besides the obvious holiday ones that’ll come), I think that Katrina or Shrunk would be a likely guess because - unlike Brewster - they would only need to show up in the square and not add a whole shop + area in the museum. I just have a feeling he won’t show up in this game.
I'm going to say we will get:

Harvest Day Event
Harvest Series DIYs
New Vegetables to grow for Harvest Day

Maybe, I mean maybe, Cooking DIYS

I wouldn't say The Roost or Gyroids will be in yet, since that'd make for a bigger update then I think they are planning for. I can see that coming in the new year.

After that we possibly will be told to wait mid-late December for the Jingle/Toy Day Update
Uhhh toy days coming with this update aswell lol
Speaking of Toy Day, that's what I'm curious about. Will it be actually be included in the upcoming update? I've been too focused on Harvest Festival that this event slipped my mind.

Edit: I guess it will be part of the update. The update is out late November anyway. And I don't see the next update coming until January.
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I feel like Harvest Day will be a super small event with how late they're dropping the update. We definitely won't get more vegetables or w/e to grow, because we'd barely have any time to grow them. Cooking maybe but, again, I don't think it'll be a huge mechanic but more like a gimmick. Or just a button where you add stuff to a pot and than it transforms into another object, like DIYs.
Hope vid drops today or tomorrow. They better give some time for the harvest event instead of releasing it super close to it
I'm honestly hyped about more veg and making allotments somewhere on my island, having a bit of each villager's personality for their allotment would be really fun ;w;
Really hoping the announcement trailer drops within these next few days. They are usually posted at 8am cst (about 3 hours from when this post is made) on twitter if anyone wants to keep an eye out for it.
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