Now I'm more excited than ever.


total a-hole
Jun 19, 2005
With all the new features being announced on the Wii, I havn't been this excited since Nintendogs and Animal Crossing: Wild World.

From what I saw on the PKMN Battle Wii, I don't care if the graphics get any better than that. They look just great.

Plus, with DS connectivity and Wii Connect24, new games such as PKMN: D/P will never get old with the possibility to download new items, features, and more.
PKMN battle Wii? Whast that? Anyway, the wii is going to be great I can see some great ways Wiiconnect24 will work.

Just wow.

I can't wait. You kind of realize how boring sitting down with a controller, mashing away at buttons, and not having the abitlity to move 5 feet away from a purple cube is compared to Wii.

Wii. Dig it.
Don't dis GCN. Wii will take more guts to play in front others. (My controller stetches 6 feet!)

Fanghorn said:
PKMN battle Wii? Whast that? Anyway, the wii is going to be great I can see some great ways Wiiconnect24 will work.
It's going to be like a Pokemon Stadium 3, for Wii.

0_o PF saying something good about Wii, it's the sign of the apocolypse!!!!!! Well, besides getting excited right now (i've been excited for a long time :)) I agree with all of your points.
yes, theres a pokemon game for wii and its gonna be online like wifi. lol can't wait till i get Wii for christmas. :jay:
PKMNMasterSamus said:
Fanghorn said:
PKMN battle Wii? Whast that? Anyway, the wii is going to be great I can see some great ways Wiiconnect24 will work.
It's going to be like a Pokemon Stadium 3, for Wii.

0_o PF saying something good about Wii, it's the sign of the apocolypse!!!!!! Well, besides getting excited right now (i've been excited for a long time :)) I agree with all of your points.
Uh-oh, I guess this isn't a good time for an asteroid to pass by the planet...


Anyways, yes, I'm excited about the Wii and everything it can do. I've read it all, and the part I'm looking forward to the most is downloading the old games onto the Wii to play. Sadly, I'll have to wait until Christmas to get a Wii...
