Now in Shop: April Birthstone

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I highly doubt he/she will be willing to sell it as she/he's been collecting them ever since September, and if one is missing, then the collection isn't complete.

Aw well I really want one because I'm born in February
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Aw well I really want one because I'm born in February

Perhaps start a thread in the TBT market offering a good price for it. I don't think begging for it will help, especially to ask those who clearly are keeping them :9
I didn't realize that they had the March birthstone out yesterday, 'cause I paid 350 for one xD
Perhaps start a thread in the TBT market offering a good price for it. I don't think begging for it will help, especially to ask those who clearly are keeping them :9
I wouldnt say begging...
The April and March ones look very similar ?^?
Such a shame that someone snagged them all and didn't leave any for others :< ...
StormBlader, If I buy the birthstone from the shop and gift it to you..You may not sell it or gift it to another player. So you need to find a player with a birthstone that has no gift message attached to it. As an example, I can't give mine away.
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StormBlader, If I buy the birthstone from the shop and gift it to you..You may not sell it or gift it to another player. So you need to find a player with a birthstone that has no gift message attached to it. As an example, I can't give mine away.

Oh ok then so i need someone who bought it themselves right?
I got one! I put it right next to my March one
Don't be hating Karen guys!
Why cant they have more chocolate cakes? 10 isn't enough ;_;
But but Karen I want cake ;-;
I was at school at the time so I couldn't really blame anyone XD

Don't worry guys Karen said she might do Giveaways with them in do time.
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