Now in Shop: February Birthstone (Amethyst)

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You have 468 bells.... you have enough.

That was said before I got help from the other users. Not to mention, but I already got the birthstone by the time you quoted me.

- - - Post Merge - - -

they're protecting the cake

That means the balloons can't carry my cake to the apples. That's good.
February birthstone was released on the second of February in Europe when her birthday was on the first, she wanted to buy it on her birthday.

Exactly :( I had been waiting for about 9 months to buy it on my birthday (1st/Feb), and it never came out.
Exactly :( I had been waiting for about 9 months to buy it on my birthday (1st/Feb), and it never came out.

Since I joined in September, I have to wait eleven months for my birthstone. Hopefully Justin will release it before my birthday, so I can get it on the day.
I have to wait till november because I bought the november one the 1st, and a week later the rule of one birthstone per month per person was announced. Whyy ;-;

Well, now I only need Garnet, Pearl and Quartz.
Ahh! Hopefully I'll be able to rack up enough TBT bells this month to buy one! I love collecting the birthstones ^o^
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