NPCs thoughts


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2021
So, I have been redoing my island and obviously, as we shift to spring, I wanted to change my bushes so they could all bloom. Except for the fact that I haven’t seen Leif in one week now. So that got me thinking: why, after one year, Nintendo team hasn’t made some NPCs permanent? Like Leif could have a corner in Nook’s Cranny(which will hopefully be upgraded at some point) and Kicks could have a spot in the Able sisters’ shop. I do understand people that don’t want more shops because they wouldn’t know where to fit them and I believe that an entire shop for Leif or Kicks would be a waste but they could simply be implemented in what we already have. This would also allow new NPCs visits, like Katrina...
So, I have been redoing my island and obviously, as we shift to spring, I wanted to change my bushes so they could all bloom. Except for the fact that I haven’t seen Leif in one week now. So that got me thinking: why, after one year, Nintendo team hasn’t made some NPCs permanent? Like Leif could have a corner in Nook’s Cranny(which will hopefully be upgraded at some point) and Kicks could have a spot in the Able sisters’ shop. I do understand people that don’t want more shops because they wouldn’t know where to fit them and I believe that an entire shop for Leif or Kicks would be a waste but they could simply be implemented in what we already have. This would also allow new NPCs visits, like Katrina...
Definitely something that's been tossed around in many a thread. Label and Kicks could easily roll into Abel's, Sahara and Leif make sense inside Nook's. This would allow a more frequent rotation of NPCs, meaning we'd get Gulliver, Gullivarr, Redd, CJ, and Flick once a week, minimum. Keep KK on Satuday, Daisy on Sunday, and you've got the perfect rotation.

If I'm being honest, Redd should be at the hidden location every single week day, seeing as far too many times his items are fake.
Definitely something that's been tossed around in many a thread. Label and Kicks could easily roll into Abel's, Sahara and Leif make sense inside Nook's. This would allow a more frequent rotation of NPCs, meaning we'd get Gulliver, Gullivarr, Redd, CJ, and Flick once a week, minimum. Keep KK on Satuday, Daisy on Sunday, and you've got the perfect rotation.

If I'm being honest, Redd should be at the hidden location every single week day, seeing as far too many times his items are fake.
From what I've been told unless you're in the practice of time traveling completing the gallery is going to take a very long time.
We've only had the game for a year, and honestly with how popular DLC has become in the gaming industry, I wouldn't be surprised if more and more is added over time. ESPECIALLY if fans are vocal about that sort of thing. I'd love to see more little shops around, or at the very least I'd love to see a cafe put in that's run by a certain pigeon.
Thats the thing that bothered me. In New Leaf Leif and Kicks had their own shops, but only Leif was able to merge with the Nook Shop when it was upgraded fully. I mean seriously the game has been out over year and they still didn't give us any new Shop upgrades.
We "know" we are getting shop upgrades in the future. I just wish we had them already.
Completely agree with leif rejoining the nooks.

Can't say I care at all about kicks as let's be honest he stopped carrying anything after like a month. 2 tops.

Label could be an upgrade to the able sisters one you have got the whole labelle set. But im not sure what the pros of this would be since we can already buy lots there.
Maybe she can bring a shopping cart for you.

I miss katrina but I don't miss luck.

Redd every day is massive over kill.
He only has a 10% chance of having all fakes. Not as dramatic as stated above. However I think he should be weekly and always have 1 real bit of art. Just one though.

I also want gracie back but only because her products were extortionate and at this point, we are all loaded as sin.
Well the thing about Leif having his own building is that we could possibly have a place to store some plants too which improves gameplay in my opinion. Do you know how annoying it can be to remodel your island while trying to keep the shrubs you already have while you keep breaking shovels? Shrubs can't go on the beach like flowers..
Well the thing about Leif having his own building is that we could possibly have a place to store some plants too which improves gameplay in my opinion. Do you know how annoying it can be to remodel your island while trying to keep the shrubs you already have while you keep breaking shovels? Shrubs can't go on the beach like flowers..
Yeah I think if they were to do something "new" to the game I think Leif should be able to allow you to store any flowers, trees, or bushes you have digged up. Since there is no other way to store them. Seriously you would think there would be a way to store flowers, trees, and bushes when you dig them up but there is no way to do that.
...controversial opinion, but I actually kinda like them NOT having shops?

Partially because at this moment in time they don’t actually sell that much, but mainly because after two games with a lot of shops but not much in the way of travelling vendors, it’s made me appreciate having travelling vendors a lot more, and to be honest?

This game isn’t about coming to a small, run down old town and turning it into a thriving metropolis like New Leaf was. It’s an escape from the big city, an escape from the stresses of real life... it’s a game about building and subsequently living in a small community amongst nature.

I thought there were going to be more shops on the island, but now I’m more leaning towards the idea of there being a city area at some point in the future, it’s a nice contrast there.

I’d honestly like a post office and a police station more than any additional shop, and I ESPECIALLY don’t want vendors to merge with the Nooks, and EVEN MORE ESPECIALLY don’t want them to merge with the Able Sisters... don’t deprive Label of her character arc, dammit! Let her exist separately from her sisters, but on good terms and with a close relationship.

(also another controversial opinion: Leif only truly becomes useful in NL when he starts selling bamboo and persimmons, otherwise he’s just a good character who unfortunately purely exists for HEY NEW CHARACTER reasons, as his daily inventory flower/tree-wise sucks in comparison to older games... him purely selling bushes and out of season flowers is a better use of his character, imo. I do miss the weeding mini game, tho)
i don't mind them not having shops, but if they did i'd like to see them combined with existing shops like in new leaf (leif in nook's cranny, label in able sisters, etc.). at the very least i'd appreciate it if isabelle would announce when there's someone standing right outside her workplace(!?)
...controversial opinion, but I actually kinda like them NOT having shops?

Partially because at this moment in time they don’t actually sell that much, but mainly because after two games with a lot of shops but not much in the way of travelling vendors, it’s made me appreciate having travelling vendors a lot more, and to be honest?

This game isn’t about coming to a small, run down old town and turning it into a thriving metropolis like New Leaf was. It’s an escape from the big city, an escape from the stresses of real life... it’s a game about building and subsequently living in a small community amongst nature.

I thought there were going to be more shops on the island, but now I’m more leaning towards the idea of there being a city area at some point in the future, it’s a nice contrast there.

I’d honestly like a post office and a police station more than any additional shop, and I ESPECIALLY don’t want vendors to merge with the Nooks, and EVEN MORE ESPECIALLY don’t want them to merge with the Able Sisters... don’t deprive Label of her character arc, dammit! Let her exist separately from her sisters, but on good terms and with a close relationship.

(also another controversial opinion: Leif only truly becomes useful in NL when he starts selling bamboo and persimmons, otherwise he’s just a good character who unfortunately purely exists for HEY NEW CHARACTER reasons, as his daily inventory flower/tree-wise sucks in comparison to older games... him purely selling bushes and out of season flowers is a better use of his character, imo. I do miss the weeding mini game, tho)
Honestly they should do it how it was in City Folk where you took the Bus to go from your Town to the City. Now since we have Dodo airlines they would have to make changes to airport. Say if you talked to Orville and then he asks you "Where do you want to go?" Instead of the usual "You want to visit someone online?" You would get a chance to pick a destination you want to go. Could be called "City isle" or whatever name they picked. I can see that making up for the lack of shops if they were to go that route instead of just having the shops be built on your island because I understand that some people don't want buildings to ruin the look of their island.
Honestly they should do it how it was in City Folk where you took the Bus to go from your Town to the City. Now since we have Dodo airlines they would have to make changes to airport. Say if you talked to Orville and then he asks you "Where do you want to go?" Instead of the usual "You want to visit someone online?" You would get a chance to pick a destination you want to go. Could be called "City isle" or whatever name they picked. I can see that making up for the lack of shops if they were to go that route instead of just having the shops be built on your island because I understand that some people don't want buildings to ruin the look of their island.
That’s basically exactly what I’m thinking. Gracie, Shrunk and DJ KK, Katrina, Reece and Cyrus’s online auction house and trading centre, Harriet, the HHA trio... maybe even the OK Motors birds, idk?
The visitor system is fantastic, it adds to the relaxed playstyle and whole feeling/atmosphere. By having something different every day, you can keep checking the game (even if it's just 10 minutes daily) instead of having everything on your hands all the time. And this is why the fix to the visitor schedule is the most important QoL update this game has had and people conveniently forget about it.

The direction of NH is to be on a island away from things like a city or a main street and that's why it makes so much sense to have different animals visiting sometimes to offer their products/services. That's also why I dislike the suggestion that we should be able to visit a shopping district, I'd prefer other things like I don't know, Gracie has a resort that we can only visit on weekends via Dodos after getting max friendship from Label. But only that, not a whole selection of shops/buildings.

I agree that the devs can bring other visitors (right now we have an empty "spot") and I don't mind the idea of merging Leif with Nook's Cranny and Kicks with the Able Sisters and expand their catalogue so we can have other 2 new visitors. Label shouldn't be merged with Able's, she has her own life now. Redd is quite tricky to "fix", if anything I'd just prefer a more constant influx of artwork from my neighbors (kind of getting a guaranteed mail after each Redd visit, as if they bought from him).

So yeah, merging existing visitors with shops should only be done if there is another visitor replacing their "slot" on the schedule. That can only happen if the devs add either new mechanics, a huge, huge furniture dump or agree with some of the things some random people on the Internet shout.
I personally don't see them making the traveling NPCs permanent or giving them their own shops at this point. I'd love to have more buildings on the island or to have easier / more reliable access to the things in their shops (I change up my bushes and flower every season too so it would be pretty helpful) but I feel like if they had plans on doing this early in the life of the game they would have hinted at it by now. Hosting traveling shops/stalls also seems to be one of the main purposes of the plaza so it feels too intentional to be replaced. Checking on the merchant / visitor of the day is also something that brings players back to the game daily / more regularly in my case at least, so I wouldn't expect them to change that.
Well the thing about Leif having his own building is that we could possibly have a place to store some plants too which improves gameplay in my opinion. Do you know how annoying it can be to remodel your island while trying to keep the shrubs you already have while you keep breaking shovels? Shrubs can't go on the beach like flowers..
That would be interesting and yeah, I know 😂 not shrubs but I saved all my trees and flowers and it was a nightmare, can’t imagine not being able to plant them on the beach.
I don't mind them not having permanent shops on the island, I like all the travelling NPCs but the only one I actually regularly visit is Leif and it was a pain when I'd been trying to get hold of a few more hibiscus bushes but he kept not turning up and then I was in the wrong season for them which would've saved me a lot of time if he'd had a shop but now I've got what I need for now I'm happy with them just visiting.

Space wise on my island I think I'd struggle to find somewhere to fit more buildings if all the travelling NPCs had shops, I'd be happy enough with them moving into the existing buildings but its not really something I need in my gameplay. As has been suggested been able to visit a shopping city or something through the Dodo airlines would be a good solution - they could still do the visiting to your island so that the game can be continued to be played as it is now but they'd have permanent shops elsewhere that you could visit when you wanted, without taking up room on your own island for the building.
Totally agree, also Brewster in the museum.
I’d be happy to have an actual new building for Brewster because I miss him a lot! Obviously he is the NPC I want back the most 🌸
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I don't mind them not having permanent shops on the island, I like all the travelling NPCs but the only one I actually regularly visit is Leif and it was a pain when I'd been trying to get hold of a few more hibiscus bushes but he kept not turning up and then I was in the wrong season for them which would've saved me a lot of time if he'd had a shop but now I've got what I need for now I'm happy with them just visiting.

Space wise on my island I think I'd struggle to find somewhere to fit more buildings if all the travelling NPCs had shops, I'd be happy enough with them moving into the existing buildings but its not really something I need in my gameplay. As has been suggested been able to visit a shopping city or something through the Dodo airlines would be a good solution - they could still do the visiting to your island so that the game can be continued to be played as it is now but they'd have permanent shops elsewhere that you could visit when you wanted, without taking up room on your own island for the building.
Yeah I understand your point of view but making some permanent(inside existing buildings) would open up for more and new ones. I feel like that if they want to add Katrina/Brewster/Gracie and so on then it would be a nightmare to have them visiting because the week would get cramped and, like with Red, you wouldn’t see them for ages. Instead, taking away some that can easily merge into shops would allow a better turn out. Also, honestly I wish KK wouldn’t visit every single Saturday, I had enough 😂
I want them all to have buildings again, visiting villagers are a joke, only one people care about is Redd.