...controversial opinion, but I actually kinda like them NOT having shops?
Partially because at this moment in time they don’t actually sell that much, but mainly because after two games with a lot of shops but not much in the way of travelling vendors, it’s made me appreciate having travelling vendors a lot more, and to be honest?
This game isn’t about coming to a small, run down old town and turning it into a thriving metropolis like New Leaf was. It’s an escape from the big city, an escape from the stresses of real life... it’s a game about building and subsequently living in a small community amongst nature.
I thought there were going to be more shops on the island, but now I’m more leaning towards the idea of there being a city area at some point in the future, it’s a nice contrast there.
I’d honestly like a post office and a police station more than any additional shop, and I ESPECIALLY don’t want vendors to merge with the Nooks, and EVEN MORE ESPECIALLY don’t want them to merge with the Able Sisters... don’t deprive Label of her character arc, dammit! Let her exist separately from her sisters, but on good terms and with a close relationship.
(also another controversial opinion: Leif only truly becomes useful in NL when he starts selling bamboo and persimmons, otherwise he’s just a good character who unfortunately purely exists for HEY NEW CHARACTER reasons, as his daily inventory flower/tree-wise sucks in comparison to older games... him purely selling bushes and out of season flowers is a better use of his character, imo. I do miss the weeding mini game, tho)