Cycling ❤ NYKUN's Natural + Mystery Tour Cycling ❤

  1. Bells
  2. NMT


The one true noot nooter
May 3, 2020
100% (19) +

Hi! Hello!!

Welcome to my Natural move-ins, Campsiters and MysteryTour cycling thread!

Like the other thread, I will be only letting one villager cycle in and out due to island layouts.
Amiibo thread here!

**This is listed on both Cycling threads **
Current Amiibo Villager
Beau (amiibo / ready 2 boot)
Marshal (amiibo / day 1)

Current Natural Villager
Julian (campsite cycle / moving in)

Current Campsite Visitor

Current MysteryTour Visitor

How it works; I will list above who is on my island to go.
It will have what they are next to their names. As well as IF they are new or being summoned or have pinged!
I will also list who is currently at my Campsite or on my Mystery tour if there are any.

There is only going to be one lot for Natural Move-ins, Campers and Mystery tours. So please be mindful.

  • I will only keep Natural Villagers until they ping.
  • I will only keep a boxed up Villager for 5 hours.
  • I will only keep a Campsiter for 5 hours.
  • I will only keep a Mystery Tourer for 20 minutes.
  • (I will only roll 10 tour villagers before stopping)

This is again mostly offer what you want.
Please be mindful of time and resources though. Thank you.
HOWEVER. If you ask me as soon as someone pings. And before they're are in boxes I can hold them for you.

But again, this much be before they are in boxes.

Again, tourers will be voided / left behind in 20 minutes if no interest is shown!
If someone above is in boxes I will only hold them for 5 hours.

Thank you!!

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I'd love to give Diana a home on my island :love: I'd offer 8 NMT, if it's at all possible to get her to move to my island within a few hours. I'm not entirely sure how "cycling" works tho😅
I'd love to give Diana a home on my island :love: I'd offer 8 NMT, if it's at all possible to get her to move to my island within a few hours. I'm not entirely sure how "cycling" works tho😅
If you have an open plot I can take 8 NMTs right now.
I might be able to box her up for you tonight. It might be an hour tops though.
Since I was hoping to do a few cycles tonight.

And it's mostly so I don't have to keep posting new threads since I will always have a plot or two open to roll through villagers!
Yes, thank you so much. I do have a plot open. And I can definitely wait an hour. Its 9:40pm here I can wait up til 3am if need be :) but my island day will restart at 5am and by then a random villager will move in.
Yes, thank you so much. I do have a plot open. And I can definitely wait an hour. Its 9:40pm here I can wait up til 3am if need be :) but my island day will restart at 5am and by then a random villager will move in.
Alright! I'll close the thread and dm you in a moment!
Bump; Alfonso just pinged! He will be in boxes in an hour and a half!
I will hold him for the normal 5 hours. After that he will be voided!
Willow is visiting the campsite today!
Let me know if shes wanted, and I'll kick Penny out for her.
Last chance before Willow is voided!
Bump; Peggy is in boxes if anyone wants her.
I will be voiding her in maybe an hour or two tops!
Bump: Peggy has left, Julian has moved in!