Cycling \(^o^)/ Gabriella's Giveaway! - MASS CYCLING - Come and Chat!

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Kinda lazy with the larger events since I need to keep an eye on 8/10 villagers now so they don't move away.. again.
G'morning everyone! As I type this I am also making myself some hash browns and an omelette so hungry...
Derwin the Dopey Duck moved in front of my future Cafe area and Beau told me he's thinking of moving but he hasn't pinged me yet. Is that normal?
Yes it is normal. Just save and quit or dive or something and he should ping you :3
Alright, sounds good!
My town is actually looking nice for once, I'm slowly making it look good. Isabelle stopped progress with the Harvest Festival so no new PWPs yesterday.
I'm thinking of building a bridge.
I'm in october so I'll see if I do the halloween stuff ;w; probably gonna work on cycle out two dudes I don't want and maybe do some pwps idk.
Just coming in to stalk this thread again haha! Gotta stalk for some villagers since I've cycled 16 times just to get back my favorite villagers :)
Yey 2 and a sorta a third i dunno yet

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Yey 2 and sorta a third i dunno yet of my dreamies yeeeey
Aww you are offline now . Wanting someone to talk with :>
Stalking for Maple
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