Cycling \(^o^)/ Gabriella's Giveaway! - MASS CYCLING - Come and Chat!

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Maple will be mine, even if I already have two Normals in my town xD /shot
To everyone who wants Maple, prepare to be more active. That's this thread's point. The most active gets the villager. Start up conversations and stuff. :3
Fine. It's almost Sunday and that means Monday and that means school! DX How about you?
You got Kitt out? :eek:

Yeah I did it in a few days, learned a lot about moving villagers from the experience actually. The funny thing is, I almost accidentally passed her on to my fiancee because I wasn't paying attention, but thankfully she didn't pop up there. I assume you're in college/university?
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Yeah I did it in a few days, learned a lot about moving villagers from the experience actually. The funny thing is, I almost accidentally passed her on to my fiancee because I wasn't paying attention, but thankfully she didn't pop up there. I assume you're in college/university?

Congrats! :3
High School. xc
I mean, I like my school, I just don't like the effort it takes to get for school. XDD
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I think I might keep my old thread o: are you keeping this one? the only bad is you cant change the title .
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