⚖️ Objection! ⚖️

Objection! She's a soulless monster from hell! Just look at those lifeless black eyes, they're the eyes of the void! She eats children for breakfast, I bet!

You're probably going to say "objection" to this next, I bet.
Objection! wait a minute, what?

hazel is the best villager
Objection! How many times must I tell you this, Your art is great! Just look at it!

Raymond is a very good villager even though hazel is best but he still comes second.
Objection! You're killing me to say this but, he really is just a business cat with Heterochromia.

Tea is superior to Coffee.
Objection! beverage is beverage!

I am officially the thread reviver.
Objection! I wouldn't consider charizard as overrated. Charizard at least has reasons to be rated. Raymond is just a cat that wears a suit and has 2 different coloured eyes. He has no reason to be rated.

The new forum layout is kinda bad.
Objection! As I am Australian I have no say on whether your statement is valid, therefore you are in the wrong courtroom.

Not everyone was Kung fu fighting.
objection! you just couldn’t see them because they were as fast as lightning

pineapple on pizza is valid
Semi-objection! It’s not valid, but its not as bad as people say it is.

Frogs are the coolest creature to exist. 😎
Objection! Frogs are pretty cool, but have you seen snakes?

Orange juice with pulp is gross!
No objection! As a people, I am very offended.

This post is sponsored by RAID SHADOW LEGENDS
objection! they don’t do sponsors remember c;

hogwarts is real, we all just got rejected
Objection! The evidence shows you did!
Xara is a tearyeyed ghost.