Obscure Observations (Crews 3 & 4)


mar 🐳 | Away
Sep 14, 2009
Galaxy Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
Nightmare Easter Egg
Perfect Apple
Perfect Cherry
Perfect Peach
Perfect Pear


This isn't anything like you remember. Your former cabin was nothing but a pile of damaged materials, and a bird with a space helmet seemed to know something. He introduced himself as Gulliver, and you were promptly led to a ship. A lot has happened since then - where to start?

You sit down next to a heap of large, mysterious boxes marked with different supply labels, and you start to have a strong feeling that you should start recording your observations for the future. Using one of the boxes as your writing desk, you begin.​

Task 📖

Create one written work of fiction between 200 - 500 words about your experience/findings/observations at the space station, on the spaceship, and/or on the remote planet you find yourself on during TBT's Space Camp.

Rules 📖

  • Only one entry per person
  • Your entry is considered final once posted. Do not edit it unless you have permission from a TBT staff member
  • Your entry must be entirely your own work, and be a brand-new piece of writing for this event
  • No collaborations
  • Content must be suitable for a PG-13 audience and abide by our Rules and Guidelines
  • Your entry must be themed around TBT's Space Camp as per the task
  • Word count must be between 200 - 500 words
  • Your entry must be fiction
  • No additional fan fiction outside of Animal Crossing
How To Submit 📖

Your entry text must be submitted as a new post in this thread by Tuesday, August 15, at 6:59 PM EDT.

Submission Checklist

My written entry is:
✅ Between 200 - 500 words, and checked using this word counter tool
✅ Themed around my experience/findings/observations at the space station, on the spaceship, and/or on the remote planet I'm on during TBT's Space Camp​
✅ A new piece of writing that I have created myself for this event​
✅ Submitted no later than Tuesday, August 15 @6:59 PM EDT

How To Vote 📖

The crew favorites are entirely community-decided. To vote, simply leave a reaction on the post of any entry. You can use either the Like, Love, or any unlocked reaction. They will be added together. Entries that are approved will be marked by the staff with the accepted reaction, but don't wait for this to appear. Feel free to Like/Love any entries at any time!

While you can react to any entry, favorites will be decided only by votes from members of the same quarters.

Prizes 📖

  • 16 Cargo Tokens and 15 Points for your accepted entry
  • The top 3 crew favorites will earn an additional 8 Mission Tokens. The top 1 will also receive a Rainbow Crescent Moon Collectible

Frequently Asked Questions 📖

Q: Can I use my own word counter tool?
Please only verify your word count prior to posting by using this word count tool as different programs will vary.

Q: Does my entry need to be in a specific writing style?
No. You may incorporate prose, poetry, journal-like, and/or script-form elements into your overall piece as long as your entry fits the task and entry requirements outlined above. If you have another idea and are unsure of if it may be acceptable, please ask first.

Q: Oops. I need to fix something for my entry. Can I edit it?
Please review your entry prior to posting. Your entry is considered final once posted and is not to be edited unless you have permission from a TBT staff member.

Q: Can I write my piece as if I were my Animal Crossing town mayor/island rep?
Does it have to be written from our/our rep's perspective or could it be an "outsiders looking in" kind of deal?
One minor question: Are we allowed to mention other TBT users in our stories?
Given the prompt can offer an opportunity to detail your and your crewmates' experiences, this would be fine.
Does it have to be written from our/our rep's perspective or could it be an "outsiders looking in" kind of deal?
It does not need to be from your rep's point of view, that's just an option. You can definitely do an "outsiders looking in" perspective. :)
The station-shaking vibrations of the sirens have become somewhat more of a dull ache by this point in our trip beyond our home world, rather than what they had probably intended as ‘life-alerting’ or ‘please-work-or-we-will-die’ affirming. We’ve been here for over two weeks now, and the impending doom of a rather large asteroid annihilating us all is still there, but the four crews aboard the station have settled into their quarters and come together very quickly, considering the severity of the situation we find ourselves in. It’s almost nice, in a way.

Every time I look out of the station’s oversized windows, I still find myself in awe with the planet beneath us. To think that such a place is really out there, and to be able to see it in its entirety, wondering about the beauty it holds below, it sort of hurts my head if I think about it too much. We’re so far away from our lives, from our families and our friends, our work and our hobbies. There seems to be so much more to life than these things - but these things are precisely what makes life worth living. Up here, confined in this metallic other-home, this confusing but kind group of strangers are all working together, forming new friendships, and making light of what should be a psyche-shattering situation, and instead embracing it. In what should be a grey, colourless, frightening existence, there is a true sense of hope fighting against it, each person bringing their own light to the darkness, pushing any fears they have to one side. There may be beauty found below, but there is wonder found up here. In that way, I almost wish it didn’t have to end. And now I find myself wondering, if none of us had come on this trip, would any of us be friends back home? Would any of us have even met each other without this?

The sirens have gone off again. There’s an ear-grating, intense grinding sound this time, which has struck a panic within me. I think, if I was anywhere else, I would think - I don’t know if we’ll make it. But here, surrounded by new friends, I don’t have to worry about not knowing. Wherever we end up next, we’re all carrying on, doing what we can to make it home. We have hope.
After a long voyage, we finally reached our destination. It's been a long journey, from mysterious alien eggs hidden all around The Lopez to delivering a mysterious package to an unknown villager. Some members of my crew are fatigued, as we have been on this expedition for two weeks, while being alerted of an asteroid that is more than capable of destroying our beloved Lopez. When the ship lands, my crew is greeted to the view of a mysterious, purple planet. On that planet, there are plenty of extraordinary creatures. There's some cute Moon Bunnies and some Space Whales! Unfortunately, they seemed to be arguing over something valuable: Star dust! The bunnies believed that the Star Dust of this strange planet belonged to them. After all, they were residents of this planet first! The Space Whales, however, disagreed. They argued that Star Dust was only found on this planet after they had arrived. While the argument escalated to an unnecessary level, our crew captains did their best to try to separate us from those strange animals, and decided to have us go stargazing instead. While we were there, we noticed some strange constellations on this planet not found anywhere else in our solar system that we know of. Also while we were there, we were encouraged to show off our equipment for this journey. We had a lot of freedom, as long as we promised not to go near the Space Whales and Moon Bunnies. Or else, we would be chased by some "utterly terrifying aliens". However, me and some members of my crew decided that we should just sneak out anyway. After all, could those aliens truly be worse than anything we've already seen? Maybe this is the fate Gulliver got himself into, and why he hasn't been responding to any of our messages until now. So we waited until our crew captains were asleep and we snuck out of our crew cabin and made our way to the still-arguing Moon Bunnies and Space Whales. This time we found two representatives of each race, Ruby and a giant Whale Shark. "Oh, you're back, li'l ears! These Space Whales still think that our precious Star Dust belongs to them! Silly Whales! This is OUR planet, so anything that is found here is automatically ours, like this megaphone!" Quickly, a member of my crew grabbed a Space Whale plush and knocked the megaphone out of Ruby's paws. After all, if she had yelled into it, it could have alerted our captains to what we were doing, and things could get messy. "Hey! Look what you did, li'l ears! C'mon Moon Bunnies, help me get that back!" And so, the Moon Bunnies ran off without a trace. Then, the giant Whale Shark happily opened its mouth to reveal tons of personalized Star fragments, just for us! And when it was time for our crew to report back to our ship we all kept this whole thing a secret from our crew captains.
You are in your crew's quarters, lying on your sleeping bag. You have come to the realization that this event you signed up for is well into its life, and must end soon. A feeling of nostalgia sweeps over you as you recall what started as a time-waster to get you through the season and ended as the escapade of a lifetime. You fondly recall when Mick announced the event, the moment you noticed some of your closest friends on the site were in the same crew with you, and so forth.

It all started on the 21st of July, 2023, the day after your birthday. You had opted in a few days prior, and heard massive amounts of cheering from nearly everyone in the site, up to and including the faculty. You noticed that the users who opted in all had a label underneath their usernames, reading "Crew 1-4" or something like that. Among them was this one user who joined way back in 2020. You said some admittedly stupid things around them in the past, but you were just that stupid when you joined the site a season ago. Their label, along with yours, read "Crew 4." You couldn't help but notice that many other particularly nice people were in this Crew 4 as well. A lot of them were also artists, like you. You just about mass-mentioned most members of your crew for the sole purpose of saying "Hey, it looks like we're in the same group!"

You later found more users while goofing around in your crew's quarters. You were quite fond of your crewmates, and your captains seemed like good people too. You discussed various topics with them, both in and out of Camp.

As the weeks went by, your crew-- called the Moon Bunnies-- moved across the Lopez, the ship you all were on. At the Bridge, you discussed UFOs that you had spotted around the Cosmos. At the Observatory, you examined all sorts of constellations in the sky while competing with the International Space Cetatean (ISC for short) for the highly-coveted stardust. You were now supposed to go to the Cargo Hold, where you went on a massive scavenger hunt with the ISC.

Now... it was nearly over. You suckle on your rocket pop like a baby would its pacifier, and kept reminiscing about everything. You fondly look back at the chatting you did on the Discord servers, including that one time you publicly humiliated yourself while making a Homestuck reference during a Splatoon 3 stream.

"But now is not the time for nostalgia," you think as you get up from your sleeping bag. You have a scavenger hunt to do. Gotta do everything in your power to get the Moon Bunnies out of last place.
”gulliver…? you good?”

gulliver has been awol for nearly three weeks now. he was meant to meet us on the space station to kick off our second journey at camp bell tree, but when all four crews showed up with their crew captains, suitcases packed full of necessities & mementos, gulliver was nowhere to be found. at first, we assumed he had fallen asleep somewhere again, but when days passed with no word from him, we started to get a little concerned.

our concern only lasted for a short while though, before it became apparent that we had bigger fish to fry— like gathering star dust. it was hard to be worried about our camp leader’s wellbeing when our own was at stake! my crew became a group of hardcore star dust grinders, forfeiting sleep and their sanity for nearly a week straight. it got so bad that i forgot that i couldn’t earn star dust for everything— i was holed up in my crew’s quarters, writing letters back home to my friends and family, wondering how much star dust it would earn me.

i should’ve seen it coming that we’d hear from gulliver during the star dust frenzy— he’s always been a lover of chaos, after all. according to our crew captains, gulliver has been trying to send us messages through the communication system for the past two weeks, but each message has been full of static, interference, and… screaming?

what we’ve been able to understand from them has been concerning at best and eerie at worst, and the crews have started speculating that the messages aren’t actually coming from gulliver. some of the rumours that i’ve heard amongst my own crew members have been that gulliver’s been kidnapped by aliens, or that gulliver is no more and something is now impersonating him.

on the first night of our final week in space, i’m awoken by a harsh pounding against our crew quarters’ door. it shakes and rattles the entire quarters, like an earthquake has somehow struck us all the way out in space. i stumble my way to the moon bunnies’ common room to find all of my fellow crew members already there, eyes puffy from sleep and trepidation on their faces.

we stare around at each other for a moment before the banging starts up again, somehow even louder than before. i creep forward to peer out the window, and am momentarily relieved to see that it’s just gulliver, until i notice he looks… off. his jaw is slack, his eyes dark and lifeless, and he’s covered in dirt and bruises. he stares blankly at the door as he continues to knock, almost robotically, saying something over and over that i have to read his lips to decipher.

let me in.

suddenly, our communication system crackles to life, one of the other crew captains’ voices breaking through.

“don’t open the door for him! we don’t know what that is!” they shout. “it’s outside all of the other crew quarters, too!”​
First Officer's Log, Stardate 410720.9
Gulliver's ship is currently docked at The Lopez, undergoing a few repairs as the crew works to determine where we are at. The Captain is unavailable at the moment, leaving First Officer Oath with the responsibility of Gulliver's ship. A minimal crew will stay behind to manage repairs and prepare for takeoff as soon as possible. The rest of the crew was tasked with exploring the rest of the ship.

First Officer's Log, Stardate 410725.9
The crew has split itself into four factions. I, myself, have joined up with the Moon Bunnies. The ship is programmed to give us tasks, and in our quarters, there's a scoreboard, presumably to show how well we're doing. Repairs are still underway, but proceeding slowly.

First Officer's Log, Stardate 410801.9
We do not know where we are. This part of the galaxy is far more alien than we could have expected. From our windows, we have seen a whale flying through space. I do not know how it is propelling itself. There's been these scratching sounds coming from outside the station, and after some investigation, we determined there were axolotls crawling around outside. They come in a variety of colors, but some have a starry pattern and some of the crew has taken to calling them "Galaxolotls". There's a moon orbiting one of the nearby planets, and I swear, the other day I saw a red-eyed rabbit hopping around. As soon as I can muster an away team, we are investigating this. And the fourth creature we saw? Actually, nevermind. There wasn't a fourth. Each crew seems to have adopted one of these creatures as a "mascot" for their team.

First Officer's Log, Stardate 410808.9
I woke up today to find that my access to the observatory had been cut off, similar to last week and the bridge. I now have access to the cargo hold. In addition to the standard provisions, this ship is carrying some boxes, some of which are secured shut. Others seem to just be filled with green eggs. They're...vibrating. I am very concerned for the health and safety of the crew and am pushing for the repairs to be done as quickly as possible.

I included "stardate" here as I feel like it's not exactly specific to Star Trek and it fits the theme I'm going with. I don't think it would be considered Star Trek fanfiction to use this format, but please let me know if I've messed up.
So I think most of you know already that I am not a native speaker and I feel bad to let you all read this. Please beare with me. It is hard to come up with a story in a foreign language. I gave it my best!

It's payback time
Currently I am at the spaceship “The Lopez” and waiting for more instructions. I was reading a book about alien eggs when suddenly a loud alarm went off and teared me out of my thoughts. It was the transmission room. We got a strange message from someone or something that we were not able to decipher. In the corner of my eyes, I could see a strange ship approaching us. The shape of the UFO reminded me off something but I couldn’t put my finger on it yet.

My first thought was, to get myself some kind of weapon. Was this now really an alien attack? I could here that they docked at our ship. I am sure they would enter soon. The whole ship was in turmoil. The crew was running around, not sure what to do and waiting for clearer instructions. First the mess with Gullivers space trip and now this?

“ALERT, ALERT Team Moon bunnies and ISC gather in the commando central”. We took the riskiest tasks there are in space. The captain of the Moon bunnies Captain Mistreil looked to us and said: “A, us unknown, person entered our ship at 15:20. The task of the Moon Bunnies and ISC is, to find this person and secure the peace of “The Lopez”. You are allowed to use your laser guns. Please be caution of your surrounding”. Our team left the commando central and where discussing how we should proceed from this point on. We decided that everyone goes on their own, so we are faster in finding this mysterious person. I was going to the cargo.

I was searching the cargo when I suddenly heard some weird noises behind one of the boxes. I strengthened my grip around my laser weapon, ready to shoot at any time. “Come out here” I said with a firm voice. I could only here some strange mumble. As I approached the words got clearer: “…. Pay…”. The voice got clearer and clearer. “You should pay…”. I was confused and asked: “Pay for what? Come out here now!”. The source of the mumble came out of it’s hiding. I was speechless. “You should pay your debt”, said the voice again but know I understand. Before me stood the tanuki Tom Nook, waiting for his payment. I never would have thought he would travel into space to collect my debt. It was only for a small house, like 10.000 bells all together and I was ready to pay him.

Once the matter was settled and the peace was restored on the ship, I was able to pay back Nook. “Great, great and now I have a offer to make. Do you want to try my space getaway package?”
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In the distant cosmos, on a ring-shaped space station called ‘the Lopez’ were four crews racing against time to gather enough parts to build escape pods. Their captain, Gulliver, was nowhere to be found but they were able to receive cryptic messages from him. Two of the crews, the Moon Bunnies and the International Space Cetaceans (aka the Space Whales) were paired together for their missions.

The Space Whales were known for their intelligence and friendly nature, but they also had a mischievous competitive streak. The Moon Bunnies found themselves entangled in a friendly rivalry with the Space Whales as they challenged each other to complete various tasks around the station.

With determination in their hearts, the Moon Bunnies embraced the challenge. They hopped onto the Bridge and had some UFO sightings and tried to deliver packages to right recipient. The Moon Bunnies seemed to tackle these tasks with ease and happily hopped to the next location, the Observatory.

Here, the Moon Bunnies met some challenge from the Space Whales. While collecting stardust for their respective representatives, the Moon Bunnies realized this collection was not moving as smoothly as expected. However, the Space Whales, with their larger forces, tackled these tasks in record-speed.

As the days grew into weeks, the race seemed to be lost for the Moon Bunnies. They still hadn’t lost hope and continued to push forward despite their size difference. While it seemed daunting, the Moon Bunnies continued to band together to hit their goals as best as they could. Some may have grown to resent the Space Whales for their wins, but most were content with the accomplishments of the Moon Bunnies’ hard work and efforts.

However, as the Moon Bunnies and the Space Whales raced against time, their camaraderie grew. Laughter echoed through the station's chambers as the bunnies hopped alongside the whales, sharing jokes and stories during their breaks. Even though they were competitors, they also became unlikely friends, learning from one another's strengths and celebrating their successes together.

In the end, the competition wasn't just about completing tasks; it was about discovering the strength of unity among different beings. Although vastly different in size and species, the Moon Bunnies and the Space Whales were able to accomplish their tasks to get those escape pods running before time ran out. Hopefully, they left an indelible mark on the space station, reminding everyone that even in the vastness of the cosmos, friendship and teamwork can bridge the gaps between worlds.
Sleep pod Entry 1 110 space hours

The Pennifer
[Careful accurate notations made with my zero gravity space pen using thixotropic ink]

Observations on exploration of the translucent shimmering green remote planet Anathoth - just visible from the Observation Gallery through the interstellar dust in the centre of a small cluster of galaxies, Anathoth is a charted remote planet and not yet visited.
Visit 1:
I made a smooth beach landing on a strangely green stretch of sea beach dotted with pebbles and sand and soft waves tumbling and foaming in with frothy bubbles.
Disembarking my pod I made my way up through what seemed to be an inviting pathway cutting through large mossy boulders which opened to a breathtaking view of a green valley below rimmed with impressive steep mountains.
One huge moon was shining as brightly as daylight.
I walked dreamily through an undulating meadow of tall wheat like jade green grass trailing my hands through it as I walked, delighting in the soft scratchiness and the scent that emanated up, kind of like grass and fruit and the sweet smell of sunshine on planet earth. Gentle winds ruffled my hair.

I could see figures moving in the distance towards a long low roofed structure. They were wearing flowing soft looking garments but I was not quite able to make out faces, faces that seemed somehow familiar, teasing at my memory.
I dreamily approached the building and looked into a most inviting spacious open room with some type of golden wood-like paneling on the walls. The walls had recessed rows of candle sconces that made soft inviting pools of light.

A large, long dining table surrounded on both sides with comfortable looking seating was covered with a crisp white fabric resembling linen. It was laden with banquet styled arrangements of huge platters of fruit and vegetables and breads that all looked familiar yet wonderfully different - huge melons and grape like clusters of fruit in shining globes of deep purple and green, large berries and lush greens and breads! - golden crusty looking loaves of every imaginable shape!

I could hear soft .music from a type of stringed instrument perhaps and voices but could not make out any familiar language … And peace! … the feeling of peace, rivers of unending peace was so prevalent, so palpable you felt it could almost be touched!

I didn’t want to ever leave and yet I knew I must.

I will provide the details in Entry 2

End of entry 1

The Pennifer Out.
It's been 3 weeks since the journey to the cosmos. I've grown tired of constantly looking out of the same starry sky. No matter how beautiful the stars are, you'll soon get tired of seeing it when you're in space. Time moves differently in space compared to Earth. I can't even tell if it takes weeks or years when traveling to space. Yet this time, it felt like years compared to weeks.

"I needed something else to do in here, I can't just sit around and waste time moping around" I thought to myself. Then, I quickly went up from the desk area to walk out and wander around the ship.

I landed my footsteps onto the hallway. The hallways were pristine, no one is around in the hallway at this time as the other crew members were sleeping in their quarters. I walked to the nearest vending machine to grab a midnight snack. I pressed the vending machine's buttons to make my purchase on a single chocolate bar. The beeping and whirring of the machine broke the usual silence of the hallway. After a while, the chocolate bar dropped. I reached my hand to the pick-up door.


As soon as I picked up the chocolate bar, a loud sound was heard over the west wing of the ship. The emergency sirens blared all over the hallways. The speaker booted up and the captain announces an urgent news:

"Attention please! This is your captain here, we are in an emergency situation as we collided with a dangerous entity. Please head to the emergency room for your own safety!"

I hastily picked up my chocolate bar and catch up with my fellow crew members to the emergency quarters. As I ran, I saw a gigantic alien entity resembling an octopus. The alien is covered in space dust and it is mostly pitch black with the hints of blue stars surrounding it's body. The alien is most likely an elder alien due to it's sheer size compared to our ship. Elder aliens are unfathomably powerful beings like the sea serpents of old. This elder alien is particularly can be compared to a kraken. It's tentacles are powerful enough to force gravity on space ships and pull the ship towards its direction like the Black Hole.

"This is it, I'll do this for survival!"

Knowing its urgency, I headed onto the outer wing of the ship. The elder alien wraps its tendrils on the wing. With few minutes of air supply left, I jumped onto the alien's eye and threw my star fragment. The star fragment emits a blinding light temporarily, paralyzing the elder alien in the process. With few seconds left out of air, I hurriedly ran back to the ship's window. One of the members of The Galaxolotls reached out for me.

"Please, reach my hand!"

I've reached out to the crew member's hand, they pulled me in safely. As I gasped for air, I happily thanked them.
If only it was 600 words and not 500. Anyway here's my entry:

My Friend Nekark

The first week was brutal because it was training, like doing star fragment inventory and feeding the space whale stardust. This monotony all came to an end when he tasked me and a few others to do a special mission to find more life-supporting planets!

"Um…Gulliver, sir. Do I really have what it takes to do something so important on my own?" Gulliver smiled and cheerfully pointed to his standard issue Nook Ray. "Sure! If you spot anyone that's hostile, just zap them, freeze them, shrink them…it's got everything! You'll be a-ok!" I looked around uneasily. "But…I don't want to do any of that to them…" Gulliver put his Nook Ray away and smiled warmly. "You'll do fine, kid! Now, get ready! You'll be leaving soon!" Gulliver happily walked away. "But…I don't know anyone here…" In the next hour or so I got myself ready to the docking bay. There was only one scout ship left. Gulliver was there and waiting for me. "Snek, my favourite snake! Here is your ship! Now…let's see. You'll share this quadrant with a buddy of yours. He's already taken off, so hurry! Collect anything interesting if you can't find any life supporting planets! I'll see you soon!" I nodded. I slithered my way to my ship and took off.

After traveling for a few hours I found an aquatic planet! I saw a small island in the middle of the vast glowing green ocean and landed there. "Something interesting…there's nothing interesting here." I heard a noise behind me and turned around. It was a lime green octopus wearing one of our uniforms! The huge green eyes were unsettling and his uniform was tattered.

"Greetings, comrade! You looking for something?" I nodded quickly. "So are you! We need to find something interesting." The octopus' eyes looked like he was grinning. "Great! My name is Nekark. What's your name?"

"Uh, Snek." Nekark smiled and took out a giant white pearl that was glowing in rainbow colours. "I already found something interesting. My…my ship crashed. I want you to take this back to the leader." Nekark gave me the pearl. My eyes widened seeing its beauty. "I've never been given much because I'm a snake."

"I give it to you because you're a friend." I smiled for the first time since coming to "The Lopez".

"You can come back with me!" Nekark smiled sheepishly. "They'll come here to look for me anyway. Go, I'll be fine!" I left and went back to The Lopez. I gave Gulliver the pearl and he looked happy. "Snek, good job! Unfortunately, Buddy didn't make it. Not to worry though!" I was shocked. "His name isn't Nekark? He isn't an octopus?" Gulliver laughed. "No, silly! He's a dog! I have to go see if I can rescue him now…"

That was a week ago, but it felt like it was yesterday…when I met my first friend…
So I think most of you know already that I am not a native speaker and I feel bad to let you all read this. Please beare with me. It is hard to come up with a story in a foreign language. I gave it my best!

It's payback time
The first thing I can remember from my childhood is, that I wanted to be an astronaut. There was nothing more I wanted to see. The endless space and be able to travel from planet to planet. Guess where I am right now? That’s not some sad story I really made it into space! Currently I am at the spaceship “The Lopez” and waiting for more instructions. I was reading a book about alien eggs when suddenly a loud alarm went off and teared me out of my thoughts. It was the transmission room. We got a strange message from someone or something that we were not able to decipher. In the corner of my eyes, I could see a strange ship approaching us. The shape of the UFO reminded me off something but I couldn’t put my finger on it yet.

My first thought was, to get myself some kind of weapon. Was this now really an alien attack? I could here that they docked at our ship. I am sure they would enter soon. The whole ship was in turmoil. The crew was running around, not sure what to do and waiting for clearer instructions. First the mess with Gullivers space trip and now this?

“ALERT, ALERT Team Moon bunnies and ISC gather in the commando central, I repeat Team Moon bunnies and ISC gather in the commando central”. I was part of the special unit “Moon bunnies”. We took the riskiest tasks there are in space. The captain of the Moon bunnies Captain Mistreil looked to us and said: “A, us unknown, person entered our ship at 15:20. The task of the Moon Bunnies and ISC is, to find this person and secure the peace of “The Lopez”. You are allowed to use your laser guns. Please be caution of your surrounding”. Our team left the commando central and where discussing how we should proceed from this point on. We decided that everyone goes on their own, so we are faster in finding this mysterious person. I was going to the cargo.

I was searching the cargo when I suddenly heard some weird noises behind one of the boxes. I strengthened my grip around my laser weapon, ready to shoot at any time. “Come out here” I said with a firm voice. I could only here some strange mumble. As I approached the words got clearer: “…. Pay…”. The voice got clearer and clearer. “You should pay…”. I was confused and asked: “Pay for what? Come out here now!”. The source of the mumble came out of it’s hiding. I was speechless. “You should pay your debt”, said the voice again but know I understand. Before me stood the tanuki Tom Nook, waiting for his payment. I never would have thought he would travel into space to collect my debt. It was only for a small house, like 10.000 bells all together and I was ready to pay him.

Once the matter was settled and the peace was restored on the ship, I was able to pay back Nook. “Great, great and now I have a offer to make. Do you want to try my space getaway package?”
Hello! Your entry appears to be over the word limit of 200-500 words. You are welcome to adjust your current post to meet this requirement. :)

Thank you.

p.s.: I love the ending!
Hello! Your entry appears to be over the word limit of 200-500 words. You are welcome to adjust your current post to meet this requirement. :)

Thank you.

p.s.: I love the ending!
Thanks for letting me know! While writing I thought the minimum is 500. God I would have loved to write something shorter lol Sorry you had to read it! It should be now within the limit :)
Thanks for letting me know! While writing I thought the minimum is 500. God I would have loved to write something shorter lol Sorry you had to read it! It should be now within the limit :)
We're all set, thank you!

And no apologies are needed. I always jump at the opportunity to host a writing event because I enjoy reading the entries. 🥰