[OFFER SHOP] Villager Adoption ✿ { MOVING: --- // IN: Lily }

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✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽
Feb 24, 2014
Rainbow Feather
White Feather
Fair Pinwheel
New Year's Party Popper
100% (422) +
tumblr_inline_mjvop8mMef1qz4rgp.gifWelcome to Gracelia's
Villager Adoption TBT Shop

Hi I'm Grace. I am selling some villagers to make some TBT!
I think these are fair prices. All villagers are 95%-100% original, with the most change is their clothing.

Please offer what you think is reasonable. I have ideal price ranges - just to give you an idea of what I'm hoping to sell villagers for~ I'm very likely to accept, anyway.

Current Villagers

Tier 1, 2, 3
Rosie the Peppy Cat
550 TBT or feel free to offer~

Bruce the Cranky Deer
200 TBT - he's about 80-85% original.
Been here a looong time!
Tier 4 & 5 - auto-void*
*T4&5: Can be bought for 50 TBT.
Otherwise, they are auto-voided~
* Will be updated ever-so-often

Teddy the Jock Bear

Frank the Cranky Eagle

Pango the Peppy Anteater

Spork the Lazy Pig

Jambette the Normal Frog

Ideal price range
Prices depend on what TIER the villager is on ★ Villagers based on popularity thread: (click here)

My ideal price ranges:
★ Tier 1 Villagers - 500-600 TBT
★ Tier 2 Villagers - 400-500 TBT
★ Tier 3 Villagers - 300-400 TBT
★ Tier 4 + 5 Villagers - auto-void
*You can choose to reserve/buy a Tier 4&5 villager for 50 TBT.​

Purchasing Info. ★
☆ First come, first serve~
☆ Payment must be sent first~ After that, I will open my town for you to get the villager.
☆ Please make sure you have an available space. I can wait if you need some time (pls inform how long you need).
I will leave feedback. It will be great if you can too!

Have a good day!
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☆ Moving Out ★​

Who?: Punchy the Lazy Cat

Time Expiration: n/a

Price: 450 TBT or best offer


★ There is a reserve charge of 50 TBT.
This is returned to you later when you adopt the villager. If you opt out of reserve, you will not get a refund.​
★ Please only reserve villagers on my current list.
★ One reserve per person at a time.
★ I notify reserves when I start cycling and when your reserved villager goes into boxes.
I use the 'foolproof cycling method'; so I cycle pretty quickly.​
★ I will wait up to 24 hrs for a response.
★ Payment must be made first and then town gates will open.

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1. 8/31 - a potato - Jambette - 50 TBT (paid)
2. 8/31 - vile - Teddy - 50 TBT
3. --
4. --
5. --

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;v;;; last call for lucky before i send him off on an adventuree \o/
Maybe try posting a link for lucky in the looking for thread in the villager plaza? That way it might help generate more "lurkers". Nice shop though, best of luck to you. ^^
Maybe try posting a link for lucky in the looking for thread in the villager plaza? That way it might help generate more "lurkers". Nice shop though, best of luck to you. ^^

ahh thank you!! that sounds like a terrific idea actually, i will use that in the future~!!
Currently cycling.

Voiding Big Top~

- - - Post Merge - - -

Zucker the lazy octopus (takoyaki~) is in boxes.

He is going for 600TBT or best offer.
Last bump for Zucker~ He's going for 500 TBT or best offer ^ ^
You know what? I won't let u void him, I'm going to get him for my sis

FC is 1478 3818 4059

- - - Post Merge - - -

Can I offer 400 TBT tho?
You know what? I won't let u void him, I'm going to get him for my sis

FC is 1478 3818 4059

- - - Post Merge - - -

Can I offer 400 TBT tho?

ahh sure! i'll accept ;u;, I'm glad I didn't have to void him! Could I have your FC please?

- - - Post Merge - - -

guh woops!! i'm so blind, fc is right there .__. '' I'm adding you now!
Marshal and Beau moved in! 4 reservation slots left.

Please notify if you have gotten a villager you've put on reserve. Currently cycling!
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