[OFFER SHOP] Villager Adoption ✿ { MOVING: --- // IN: Lily }

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Hi Fernweh, I've not heard back so you'll be getting Fauna! :)
I've still got ya added, once TBT has transferred, I will open up! The town is 'Rosaelis.'

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yay~ Thank you! I hope you love Fauna.

Cycling on...
Eheheh Marshal is in boxes! contacting beckett!~
aand Velma has moved in (auto-void)
What do you mean I didn't have to buy him?

I meant, you didn't have to (as you said you'll buy him for your sis, since it was originally for you), so I'm glad someone ended up with him, instead of me having to void him ~ uvu

- - - Post Merge - - -

that wasn't very clear of me either - oops! I mean, you didn't have to for the sake of Zucker, but I'm glad you did. I didn't have any other buyers, if that's what you're worried about (? I would have told you anyhow!). Glad he wasn't voided, either way!
Last bump for Beau before I cycle on! 500TBT is fine with meee :3 ~~
Phoebe has moved in! She goes for 500 TBT or best offer (obo)!
Velma is out~

Phoebe the uchi ostrich is in boxes! Selling for 500TBT or best offer.

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