[OFFER SHOP] Villager Adoption ✿ { MOVING: --- // IN: Lily }

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Last bump for Phoebe! going offline, so won't reply til around expiration time
Voiding her in the afternoon (EST time), probably around 12pm?

:,> don't be afraid to offer, i don't bite~
online and cycling!
feel free to offer for villagers - set prices are just there if you don't want to~
bump~ cycling atm so I'll probably go through a lot of the T4-5 villagers really quickly.

If you're looking for any villagers, feel free to post it.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Bianca is in boxes. Will be available for 1hour!
Online and cycling! Please reply here if you'd like any of the villagers.

Sure! I'll add you now, wait for transfer and will open my gates. Town is Rosaelis.
Let me know when you've added me + ready :D
Can you give me about 20 minutes and I'll be right over! :D
xD Not your fault! It's mine I was early. >.<
Marina is in boxes! Selling for 600 TBT or best offer! :)

Also, Julian the smug horse (unicornn) has moved in~
Julian is available?? I really love Julian and i'm enchanted to buy you for 600 tbt
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