offering free help with travel badges and train station renovation

I don’t it’s possible I need 100 visits
i can do approx 20 visits per hour, so it would take ~5hrs assuming no connection issues.
i can try if youre going to be available
Yeah one sec
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My friend code 3196-9957-6377
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Oh wait we are already friends
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I opened my gate
hi would I need to be active the entire 5 hours? (i think i need around 100 visits too) or is it possible to keep the game open and keep doing my own thing
hi would I need to be active the entire 5 hours? (i think i need around 100 visits too) or is it possible to keep the game open and keep doing my own thing
you can check the number of visitors by sitting by your town tree - its at the very bottom of the history.
you would need to be nearby & paying enough attn to reopen the gate in case of connection issues

that being said, after i finish this set of visits im going to get some sleep. i'll be back on around 6 or 7pm EDT if youre going to be available then, or you can see if anyone else from this thread is willing to help you
@Stnh im back if youre still around, there was an issue with the dishwasher
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i guess not ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ well, i think i got around 40 done.
imma go get some sleep
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@Stnh im back if youre still around, there was an issue with the dishwasher
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i guess not ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ well, i think i got around 40 done.
imma go get some sleep
Sorry 😭
@Stnh if youre going to be available, i can try to finish tonight

@IndyGo i can try, how many visits do you need? and when are you going to be on?

i dont know what time the servers are going down, so no promises on getting unlocks at this point ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
@Stnh if youre going to be available, i can try to finish tonight

@IndyGo i can try, how many visits do you need? and when are you going to be on?

i dont know what time the servers are going down, so no promises on getting unlocks at this point ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
I’m currently not home I’ll be home later tonight 😢
im getting a "failure to connect" error, is your connection stable?
oh, ill check it out
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im getting a "failure to connect" error, is your connection stable?
just reopened my gate right now, could you check if it works okay?
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hmm i just got a failure to connect error too... im not sure what the issue is :( my gate is open now though
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your town isnt showing up now.
can you reset your router? that might be the problem