Official Friend Code Directory

DS_MARKER: Mark in TERRABAY,5240-4674-5421
Ruth in TERRABAY,3255-6998-7442
Ruth is my roommate and Mark is my character.
name in game: Sporge
Town: Termina
Code: 1246-1477-7767

I was a little unsure of posting this but I trust you guys
DS_MARKER: Mark in TERRABAY,5240-4674-5421
Ruth in TERRABAY,3255-6998-7442
Ruth is my roommate and Mark is my character.
Ruth has been deleted so she is fake...Do not add her!!
I dont have the game yet but when i get it i will post my freind code and come to sombodyes to and dont worry i wont trash your town
Bulerias said:
Forum Name: STORMTROOPER88888
Name: Jeremy
Town: Village
Friend Code: ???


Forums Name: BULERIAS
Name: Daniel
Town: Canada
Friend Code: 4338-5231-3606


BASTOISE99: Mike in Chaos, 2792-3370-2132
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15: ??? in ???, ???
Mino: Flick in Quagton, 4295-5741-7979
Linkerator96761: ??? in ???, ???
DarthGohan1: Julius in Zebes, 4510-3241-8154
Cup Of Noodles said:
Guess what..time to edit this

I saw you were viewing this while I was updating, and was sure you'd post this.

I don't usualy post on fourums but getting added to that list of user names sounds good.
After all I cant find all the items I need on my own that would just make the game AC1

Town: Mabase
Friend Code: 1632-6947-6568