Turnips Official Turnip Prices Thread! (Old Version)

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Hi there! Looking to sell one inventory of turnips. Can tip with IGB or NMT. Thanks so much! :)
hii i'm really sorry but i have to close for now :'( there are still some people who want to come and already got the code and it's nearly midnight in my country
Nook twins are buying for 125! I know that’s super low, but it’s better than rotten turnips! Tips are appreciated, but not required. Please don’t explore my island, try to stay in the fenced area. Able’s is open, further along the path, for everyone if you want to buy. The dodo code is KGBM2! Might take a lunch break, so dm if the code doesn’t work. I’m in a peach dress and wearing a white huge bow! Still open with same code!
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