What?still open
What?still open
Hi, I'd love to come and sell if that's okay? More than happy to tipNooklings buying turnips for 419 in case any1 is interested. I'd appreciate some tips since I didn't buy turnips this week and need some moneyI also accept nmt's or some items I need.
- Hyacinth lamp DIY
- Ironwood dresser DIY
- Black snack machine
- Wall mounted 50 inch TV
- Wall mounted 20 inch TV
- Blue life guard chair
- Colorful playground gym
- Blue phone box
- Rainbow soft serve lamp
- Springy ride on (zebra and red)
- Blue pansy
- Blue roses
- Purple pansy
- Black pansy
- Purple windflower
Can I come?
Never mind!! It’s fineI have someone making two trips real fast then I'll send you a message with my Dodo Code and you can come!!!
Price is 561.
Will update with another queue link when I open back up later.
Price is 561.
Will update with another queue link when I open back up later.
My prices are 638! Come along. Dm for codetips welcome but ofc not essential!