Official Turnip Prices Thread

Its not much, but my town is buying turnips for 309 ea ; 7;.
Nevermind, sorry for the useless post!
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Mine are at 132 :/ lemme TT before noon and see if they're any better

- - - Post Merge - - -

before noon theyre 113, ugh ;n; hopefully Ill get some better prices
Looking for 3 people who would like to sell turnips, price is at 642 in my town~

I'm currently buying turnips in another town, so the first 3 people in the time it takes me to fill my locker with turnips are invited to come as sell when I return to my own town to sell. xD
Looking for 3 people who would like to sell turnips, price is at 642 in my town~

I'm currently buying turnips in another town, so the first 3 people in the time it takes me to fill my locker with turnips are invited to come as sell when I return to my own town to sell. xD

i'd like to sell my turnips please!! *0*
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how i wish i bought more or could buy more. lol...after i put all the money in my bank and saw the total...a part of me wish i bought more. goodluck getting your 1bil. thanks again for yesterday :D
how i wish i bought more or could buy more. lol...after i put all the money in my bank and saw the total...a part of me wish i bought more. goodluck getting your 1bil. thanks again for yesterday :D

xDD I told you it was the best kind of mess ever.

Maybe someone will let you into their town to buy some more turnips?

- - - Post Merge - - -

alright, no problem. c:

Adding you now~

Gates will be open in about 2 minutes, so come on over!
Is there anyone with high turnip prices still accepting people into their town ; 7;
nevermind T 7T
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I'm currently in the selling phase~

As soon as we're done selling, I'm going to run out to buy more turnips (yeeeaaahhhh) and at that time I'll make another post calling for the first 3 people to join me in the next selling phase.

So keep checking back if you're interested in selling in my town. :)

(It's like 1027k per full inventory sold~!)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Lol. I just sold all my turnips at 109. T-T

Ohman, that's pretty lame. D: Any chance you could buy more in another town?
Due to circumstances, I'm only looking for 1 person this next selling phase!

First to post asking to come and sell will be that person.
Hi I can come

edit: omg yay I posted in time and Ive added you
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