Official Turnip Prices Thread

Guys, you just have to WAIT until she posts and hope you're lucky enough to get in. There's a lot of people wanting in at the moment.
okay, Im also buying my turnips at the moment. So i dont mind if people go ahead of me. Tho I think you should make a separate thread for your turnips. x3 just a suggestion.

I've been thinking about making a separate thread, honestly, because this one moves along pretty quickly. o: It's probably too late for today, but maybe on Wednesday.
I've been thinking about making a separate thread, honestly, because this one moves along pretty quickly. o: It's probably too late for today, but maybe on Wednesday.

aw, you're not going to let people in anymore? Im going to stop buying turnips then. x.x
Now looking for the next 3 people to come and sell! I will add the next 3 people to post asking to come and visit~
ME! I hope i made it in time now :c
(btw, your FC is the one listed there, right?)
Me? Ras FC.

Edit: Ha, I missed by one post. Oh, well. :D
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I'll be adding FCs and opening my gates for the 3 of you soon~

My FC is the same as on the left. :)

Thank you!! I'll come over to your town, but I'll wait until the other two finish turnip selling before I commence. My dad called me for something, so I'll need to help him out in a bit.
Gates are open~

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Ah crap.. I need to go buy turnips.
How long will you be doing this? :eek:

Hmm, not sure at this point. Getting turnipped out. And I'm waiting for some friends to text me back about if we're doing anything later.

On the other hand, I'll probably be doing this on Wed and Thurs morning. Maybe also for a short amount of time tonight.

My town has been on the same date for over a month, so this will probably not be the last session. Unless I mess up TTing.

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Thank you!! I'll come over to your town, but I'll wait until the other two finish turnip selling before I commence. My dad called me for something, so I'll need to help him out in a bit.

Ah, not sure if that's fair for everyone else waiting for the cycles to be completed. o: It would basically take twice as long for the selling phase.
ok im ready

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i used 750k on turnips how much will i get back lets see

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nvm i have to go ill be back
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