Official Turnip Prices Thread

Alright. I'm at 115. Gonna hope for a higher price..

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Highest I got was 151. I need to finish my homework before I go and continue searching for a good price.
To everyone else: Sorry you couldn't make it over! I'll proooobably be doing this again on Wed and Thurs morning, PST, so there will be another chance! Hope to see some of my previous visitors then as well~

I'll do so as well! It's incredible how fast your account grows... wish I had two towns to travel back and forth to (I wonder if that's how people easily have 20mil bells...?)
Wait! Now I need to sell so badly that I will accept anything over 104, my buy price, lol! Anyone??
Please pm me if you have ANY good prices over 104, it is saturday in my game and I am running out of chances... :eek: Will be offline for a few hours now, but please pm me anyway and I will contact when I get back!
I got a price of 413 this morning in my cycling town. I can take 2 people. Do not add the code under my avatar. I will message it to you.