Official Turnip Prices Thread


Come to Applewin!

Gate is now open. (You will have company.)
Candy83, is your retail still open? I'd like to come over if you don't mind.

Also, I have the entire C section of my closet filled with turnips, will this be a problem?
Open till 11 p.m. ET.

I have two visitors now.


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I'll add u both as friends when I'm clear.

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Sell all u have. Re-Tail doesn't close until 11 p.m. ET.

It's still 510 bells.

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I'm about to add you both as friends; come back here and let you know when gate is open.

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Re-Tail just closed three minutes before your posting time.

I don't know if I can TT and get the price, 510 bells, retained.

Do you know?

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What will be really interesting is if tomorrow's price is even better. ;)
Re-Tail just closed three minutes before your posting time.

I don't know if I can TT and get the price, 510 bells, retained.

Do you know?

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What will be really interesting is if tomorrow's price is even better. ;)

I'm not for certain but you can try! I think Ive read about that being done before though.

You can also check tomorrow if you're curious though =)

Just have some turnips and am looking to sell is all :3
Roll it back two hours?

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I don't mind. Next day's price is unlikely to top that 510.
Roll it back two hours?

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I don't mind. Next day's price is unlikely to top that 510.


I need a few mins to make space and then I'll come over if you can get the price again!
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Make sure to enter me.

So I'll need to re-check to make sure you come in newly on my Friends list.

Then I can open the gate.
You're not coming yet. (Just provisional thing.)

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Yeah, that's fine. I rolled it back to 9 p.m.+